Ownership in the Classroom
Personal Ownership
Ownership for Others
Ownership when Experiencing Setbacks
Honor Code

If your friend asks for answers, do you give it to them?



Should you eat food or chew gum in the classrooms and hallways?

No, you cannot eat food or chew gum in the halls or classrooms. You are allowed to have mints!


What do you do when your friend succeeds?

Be proud of them!


How do you respond when the teacher corrects you?

Take the correction with grace, and immediately fix what they told you to. Understand that it is nothing personal.


I will not lie, ____, or steal in any of my academic endeavors.

I will not lie, cheat, or steal in any of my academic endeavors.


If your friend is talking do you talk back to them?



Should you bring electronics to class?

No, do not bring cellphones, smart watches or any other electronics to class.


What do you do when your friend does better on a test?

Congratulate them and continue to encourage them

How do you respond if you don't do well on a test?

It's ok to be upset about not doing as well as you would've like on a test. But, if a test goes poorly, seek help from a teacher. They will be happy to help you!


I will ___ request, receive, or give aid in examinations/tests/quizzes.

I will not request, receive, or give aid in examinations/tests/quizzes.


Should you bring your materials to your classroom?



Should you be in dresscode?



What do you do when someone is struggling?

Offer to support them and encourage them to go to tutoring


What do you do when struggling academically?

Seek help from your teachers and peers. They will be happy to help you understand academic topics better!


I will not give or receive illicit aid in any work used by the ______ as the basis of grading.

I will not give or receive illicit aid in any work used by the teacher as the basis of grading.


Can you help your friend with homework?

Yes, you can help them without giving them the answers


Should you lie to a teacher to protect your friend?

No, your teacher wants what is best for your friend so be honest with them.


What do you do when you see someone crying?

Sit down with them and comfort them. Listen and encourage them.


How should you respond when something upsets you?

If a peer hurt you, it is ok to confront them respectfully about it.

If you're feeling too upset about something and you need to let those feelings out, go to Ms. Bellomy's office. She will be more than happy to listen!


I will not ____ from or collaborate with others in completing homework.

I will not copy from or collaborate with others in completing homework.


Can you receive help on assignments?

Yes!! It's a great idea to ask a friend or teacher for help!


Should you lock your locker?

Yes, if you want to protect your things, lock your locker.

You don't have to lock it. But, if you don't and something gets stolen, there is nothing the school can do.


What do you do when you see someone cheat?

The kindest thing you can do for them is to let the teacher know. You are helping this person to learn correctly, which is helping them.


What do you do when having a hard time with any kind of relationship? (Friendship, sibling relationship, etc.)

Talk to the other person about it. Having an honest conversation with them can help to clear the air and any misunderstandings. Always be respectful to them. 


I will never use any "study aids" such as Cliff's Notes, _____ Notes, or other materials. I will do the reading for myself and strive to understand it for myself.

I will never use any "study aids" such as Cliff's Notes, Sparks Notes, or other materials. I will do the reading for myself and strive to understand it for myself.
