the amount of episodes in II season two
what is; 18/eighteen
the phantom's real name
what is; erik destler
the first character to be presented in sign ups
who is; youtube kids
the amount of skins that rodger has
what is; two/2
my name
what is; erik (and/or) raoul
the host(s) of CFMOT
who are; kratcy (and/or) yoshka
the first person to die in phantom of the opera
who is; buquet
did sock ever get his dementia cured?
no 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹
the amount of toon handlers
what is; 5/five
my very awesome and loving wife
who is; lily !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the spooky's jumpscare mansion character that appeared in animatic battle
who is; specimen 8
the box that the phantom has reserved (for himself)
what is; box five
the character that won first place in season 1
who is; cinnamon brown sugar candy cane/cinna cane/cbscc
the amount of items which you can find on floors/purchase from dandy
what is; 21/twenty-one
the character i was in season one of HMU
who is; goldy bowl
the algebralien which asks for a fork on christmas
who is; fourteen
the type of masks that (novel version) christine and raoul wear to the masquerade
what are; domino masks
the first challenge of HMU
ITS FINALLY TIME!! Hello everybody and welcome to your first challenge. Basically, I ordered McDonald’s, and they gave me extra pickles in my Sprite. I’m too socially awkward to say thats not what i wanted. Your job is to make sure that I get my money back! You can use basically any art medium you can think of. You have until tomorrow at 12 PM CST. Chop chop!
the twisted that can be triggered by collecting an item
who is; twisted rodger
my favorite game
the object show which as of now has five episodes, and was planned to have a movie at some point, but was deemed cancelled
what is; object terror
in the 1990s miniseries, which actor plays the phantom
who is; charles dance
the character who is sock's buddy 😁
who is; black piano key
who is; devan reed
exactly how many jack skellington plushies i own