Standard #3
In OYC we value the space of ourselves, and others and we are careful not to intrudeor injure each other
The Ability to do something successfully or efficiently
Family Service Director
Mrs. Falicie
OYC Miami increases youth’s knowledge of healthy lifestyle options and equips them to perform well in school and ultimately in life.
Health & Wellness
What Year was OYC Founded?
Standrad # 1
In OYC We, greet each other with a smile and a handshake to strenghten the relationship between us
The quality of being able to adjust to new conditions
K-8 Director
Mrs. Angela
include college and career readiness programming such as internships, employment, job training, certification programs, financial literacy education, and success coaching.
Economic Sustainability
What year was Honey Shine Founded
Standard # 2
In OYC We, honor and respect each other and so we address one another n with proper language and speech.
A modest or low view of one's own importance: Humbleness
Director of Program Oparations
Ms. Clinique
Following the school day, after school programming is offered throughout the school year. Students participate in age-appropriate program activities at OYC’s main site and at school partner sites across these levels: Elementary (K-5th), Middle School (6-8th), and High School (9-12th).
Where did our CEO, Tina Brown grow up?
Standard # 5
In OYC We treasure our rich culture and we hold the cultures of all people in high regard.
Being deliberate or purposeful
Founder for OYC
Mr. Alonzo Morining
Provides adults and families with the resources, support, and wrap-around services needed to help ensure they are safe, stable, and have their critical social, emotional, and economic needs met.
Family Services
What Position did Alonzo play in the NBA
Standards #6
In OYC We, reflect our beauty both inwardly in outr understanding and outwardly in our appearance
Ms. Tina Brown
Services within the Enrichment & Exposure Pillar include summer programs for students in grades K-12, civic engagement programming, creative arts programming, STEAM initiatives for students and families, as well as gender-specific program initiatives (i.e., Honey Shine and Band of Brothers).
Enrichment & Exposure
What NBA team did Alonzo originally get drafted to
Charlotte Hornets