How to spell the sound /kw/
What is qu?
The word magnet has _ syllables.
What is two syllables?
Hotdog is an example of a _.
What is a compound word?
Grass is an example of the _ spelling pattern.
What is fszl/ floss?
Reconstruct has _ morphemes.
What is three: re- con- struct?
When pronounced, this letter of the alphabet (at the end of a word) makes two sounds.
What is x?
The word hippopotamus has _ syllables.
What is five syllables?
Back is an example of the _ spelling rule.
What is ck?
The prefix in understand
What is under?
The most common sound in the English language.
What is schwa?
The word grape has _ syllables.
What is one syllable?
Monster has the _ segmenting (syllable division) pattern.
What is VC.CCV?
Hoping is an example of the _ spelling rule.
What is the e rule?
The etymology of biology
What is Greek?
The six ways to spell long i.
What is i, i-e, igh, y, ie, y-e?
The word chocolate has _ syllables.
What is 2 syllables?
What is V.V?
Happiness is an example of the _ spelling rule.
What is the y rule?
The etymology of erupt
What is Latin?
The five ways to spell /k/.
What is c, k, ck, ch, que?
The word interestingly has _ syllables.
What is 4 syllables?
Beginning has the _ , _, and _ segmenting (syllable division) patterns.
What is V.C, VC and VC
Awful is an exception to the _ rule.
What is the e rule?
What is five - dis - re - spect - ful- ly?