What are 5 body parts?
ear, eyes, nose, arms, legs, feet, tongue, etc
What are 3 good habits?
eat healthy food, brush out teeth, take a shower every day, don't play too many video games, go to bed early, etc.
Write 5 words with long or short /oo/
look, cook, good, food, boot, moon, etc.
13 - 3 = ?
What are the 5 senses?
touch, see/sight, hearing, smell, and taste
What are 3 bad habits?
Eating too much candy, drinking too much soda, playing too many video games, sleeping late, etc.
What are the 3R's?
reduce, reuse, recycle
Finish the sentence:
We use our ______ to taste
tongue / mouth
Finish the sentence:
Do not bite your ________
Write 5 words with the phonic /igh/
night, might, light, nightmare, fright, alight, etc.
3+4+6 = ____ + 6
= ____
3+4+6 = 7 + 6
= 13
Winnie has 19 pieces of paper. She gives 11 pieces of paper to Talay. How many pieces of paper does she have left?
She has 8 pieces of paper left.
19 - 11 = 8
Finish the sentence:
Our _______ is protected by the skull
Finish the sentence:
Do not read in _____ areas
What does recycle mean?
To make something new from an old thing / to make something new from trash.
14 + 3 = ?
Use number bonds to make 10.
Half points for the correct answer but failing to use number bonds correctly.
14 + 3 = 17
/ \
10 4
3 + 4 = 7
10 + 7 = 17
Subtracting ones. Use number bonds to subtract from a number greater than 10.
16 - 4 = ?
Half points for not using number bonds correctly.
16 - 4 = 12
/ \
10 6
6 - 4 = 2
10 + 2 = 12
What is the name of the upper part of the ear?
What is the 4 steps of brushing our teeth, in order.
1. Outer surfaces
2. Inner surfaces
3. Grinding surfaces
4. Behind front teeth
What does reduce and reuse mean?
Reduce: to use less of something. We can turn off the light, or use less water.
Reuse, to use old things again. We can reuse plastic bags or water bottles.
8 + 9 = ?
Use number bonds to make 10.
Half points for correct answers but not using number bonds correctly.
8 + 9 = 17
/ \
7 1
9 + 1 = 10
10 + 7 = 17
Subtracting from 10 using number bonds.
14 - 7 = ?
Half points for not using number bonds correctly.
14 - 7 =7
/ \
4 10
10 - 7 = 3
3 + 4 = 7