"The Patriots are trying to protect their power, their own interests, by controlling the digital flow of information. I want my memory, my existence to remain.
Metal Gear Solid 2
Attempts to destroy restaurant instead of paying for sandwich.
Eating dots and fruit / Chased by undead menaces / The bow means female
Ms. Pacman
Brooke Burke led you through this PS2 game alongside Kelly Brook.
Need for Speed: Underground 2 (2004
"Just beneath the surface, this isn't politics it's black magic. Entirely a psychic battle. Use your shield of Virtue and your sword of Truth"
Marianne Williamson
Dressed as Santa Clause, a man robs a bank.
Florida Man
Team 17
Lived for centuries / Lived may not be the right word / Up yours, Belmont clan
Maggie Q played FBI agent Chase Linh in this 2008 NFS entry.
Need for Speed Undercover
"America is a country of liberty. A meeting of immigrants. Instead of simply assimilating, its citizens live alongside others. Their roots are varied. Diverse. America's never been made up of just one people."
Breaking into a US army base and planting packages of Marijuana.
Florida Man
Factor 5
Behind a gas mask / Lurks a mind of great power / Plug it in port 2!
Psycho Mantis
Christina Hendricks played Sam Harper, a fixer who arranges races in this late 360/PS3 title.
Need for Speed the RUN (2011)
"Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate. They become a carrier. Envy, greed, despair ... All memes. All passed along."
Woman upset with ex-husband tells man she spends over $1k a month on vibrators. The random man kills her ex.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Ubisoft Montreal
Must say Montreal
Many side of friendship / Please escort me through the stage / Goodbye, I *heart* you
Companion Cube
Josie Maran went from Modeling to acting in this first role from Need for Speed (BLANK)
"Only one thing matters: the purity of your mission."
Marianne Williamson
A Cab driver reported a suspicious individual to police after chauffeuring the man around town and watching him dump what appeared to be human remains into trash bins.
The Saboteur
Pandemic Studios
Lord of the mountain / 'Sworn brother' of stony strength / New career as sage
Ocarina of Time
Imogen Poots played Julia Maddon in this Need for Speed title
Need for Speed: Film 2014