Operational Definitions
Measuring Behavior
Continuous Measurement
Discontinuous Measurement

Data is "_______________". 

It is used to define something that is observable and measurable as a number. It is the repeated measurement of anything observable; including behavior. 

Data is "quantified observation".


True or False. Non-compliance is considered a behavior. 

False. Non-compliance is NOT considered a behavior. 

  • The absence of an observable behavior does not equal a behavior.

  • The absence of a desired behavior may, however, indicate which replacement behavior should be selected, and that there is currently not enough motivation for the learner to engage in the desired behavior.


_____ is the total # of occurrences observed divided by specific units of time. 


Whole Interval Recording is when we take data on the behavior if it occurred __________ interval. 

during the entire (whole)


What are the basic characteristics graphs should have? 

  • X axis (Horizontal- typically used for dates or sessions)

  • Y Axis (Vertical- usually used for the rate/count/percent)

  • Scale (describes the intervals depicted on the graph)

  • Axis Labels (to indicate what each access measures)

  • Title (tells you what the graph is about)

  • Key (tells you which data path goes with which behavior)


_______________ are used to help us describe and identify behaviors for data collection so that anyone collecting the data know what to observe and what can be counted as "data".

Operational definitions


What are the 2 Main categories of Measurement (of behaviors)?

Continuous Measurement and Discontinuous Measurement


Name the different types of Continuous Measures we can collect? 

  • Count (tally the total # of occurrences)

  • Frequency (total # of occurrences per set amount of time)

  • Rate (total # of occurrences observed divided by specific units of time, such as hours or minutes)

  • Duration (How long did it last from start to stop)

  • Latency (time between instruction and the start of the behavior)

  • Interresponse Time (IRT: Time between instances/episodes of the same behavior)


True or False. Discontinuous measurement requires the observer to watch for the behavior constantly throughout the observation period.



When analyzing a graph, what are the 3 main areas we should look for changes to observe progress? 





Why is data important for us to collect?

  • Data collection is an important part of making informed decisions regarding student performance, services, and outcomes

  • Data can help show whether the effort we are putting into an intervention is creating the desired result

  • Data can help us find more effective, less restrictive, or sometimes easier methods to help students maximize their potential

  • Essentially, data tell us if progress is being made, and it can help identify why or why not

  • _______ Behaviors are also known as challenging, undesired, unexpected, maladaptive, inappropriate, or problem behaviors.

  • _______ Behaviors are what we would like to see instead of the reduction behaviors identified, which may be adaptive, functional, desired, expected, or appropriate behaviors.

  • Reduction Behaviors are also known as challenging, undesired, unexpected, maladaptive, inappropriate, or problem behaviors.

  • Replacement Behaviors are what we would like to see instead of the reduction behaviors identified, which may be adaptive, functional, desired, expected, or appropriate behaviors.


What is IRT?

  • Interresponse Time (IRT: Time between instances/episodes of the same behavior)


Name the types of Discontinuous Measures we can collect? 

  • Momentary Time Sampling 

  • Partial Interval Recording 

  • Whole Interval Recording 

  • Permanent Product Recording 

  • % of Observed Opportunities


Which of the 3 tell us "how much" a behavior occurs?

Level, Trend, Variability

Level. Changes in level can answer:

  • Is the behavior getting better

  • When did the behavior improve?

  • How much did the behavior improve overall?


What does it mean for an operational definition to be "objective"?

It is objective when the definition is both observable and measurable. 


True or False. Continuous measurement is a direct form of measurement.



What is a benefit of Continuous Measurement? 

Gives the best representation of the behavior

Requires fewer assumptions to analyze

Gives specific and immediate information about the behaviors observed

Is easier to explain the results to any audience


What are the benefits of Discontinuous Measurement? 

Easier to implement in group settings

Takes less time to collect

Easier to train other people to use

Can help identify time-based patterns in behavior more easily


Trend is the direction of the data path. If the data path in moving _____ from left to right, it means the behavior is increasing. If the data patch is moving _____ from left to right, it means the behavior is decreasing.

Trend is the direction of the data path. If the data path in moving UP from left to right, it means the behavior is increasing. If the data patch is moving DOWN from left to right, it means the behavior is decreasing.


What is the Dead Man's / Statue test? 

  • The easiest way to test if something is a behavior is to use the “Dead Man's / Statue Test.”

  • Anything a statue can do is NOT behavior. If a statue cannot do it, it IS behavior. 


Describe the difference between Continuous and Discontinuous Measurement.

Continuous measurement involves constantly monitoring the learner and recording instances of target behaviors as they occur.

Discontinuous measurement involves using temporary monitoring methods, such as time sampling or permanent products to make inferences about the occurrence of the behavior.


What is a limitation of Continuous Measurement? 

Is time consuming to implement

May be difficult to track if behaviors occur often

Is difficult to train others to implement proficiently

Is more time-consuming to analyze


What is a limitation of Discontinuous Measurement? 

Is generally less accurate

Requires estimation and rounding to analyze

May be difficult to explain results to others

Cannot be used to determine actual rates of behavior


How do we know if the behavior/response rate is stable? 

  • Less Variability= More Stability

  • The more stable a data path is, the more
