Context Clues
Context Clues
Jane Schaffer
Central Idea
Dignity: Even when the police officers put the handcuffs on my mother, she maintained her dignity, holding her head up high as she was marched off the protest site. a. calm b. toughness c. humor d. pride
d. pride
Injustice: Kevin thought that it was a great injustice that girls could wear earrings in the school while the boys could not. a. fair act b. unfair act c. prideful act d. shame
b. unfair act
Facts, support, examples, illustrations, quotations, plot references, or paraphrase
concrete detail
When a poem's speaker describes beautiful flowers, bright sunshine and a happy childhood, you might conclude that he or she A. Spends a lot of time outside. B. Has a positive outlook on life C. Writes poems a lot. D. Is unhappy most of the time E. None of the above
B. Has a positive outlook on life
Were you born after 1985? If so, how long do you expect to live? Most people born after 1985 can expect to live more than 70 years. Of course, this is just a guess based on past records. By the way, females can expect to live about six years longer than males. That’s taken from past records too! a. why people live to be 70 b. how long you might expect to live c. about the health of females
b. how long you might expect to live
Decline: After Gears of Pain 6 came out, the amount of people playing Gears of Pain 5 declined. a. went down b. went up c. stayed the same d. changed
a. went down
Yearn: Even though John had a good job and a nice family, he yearned for more. a. thought about b. wanted c. worked d. left
b. wanted
Your opinion or comment about something; it also means interpretation, analysis, insight, feelings, or reflection
Jill hands were trembling and sweat ran down her back. Her face was red and she could feel her ears turning pink, too. Jill grabbed her speech and walked on stage. She smiled at the audience.What can you infer? A. Jill has to give a speech B. Jill is nervous. C. Jill was prepared. D. All of the above E. None of the above.
D. All of the above
Do you ever wonder how you taste things? You owe your sense of taste to your taste buds. We have nine thousand taste buds just on the tongue alone. There are also taste buds on the roof of your mouth. You even have taste buds on the back of your throat. a. Why we can taste only sweet things b. That we taste through our nose c. Where taste buds are found
c. Where taste buds are found
Detest: Everyone else at the party wanted vegetarian pizza but Tim because he detested vegetables. a. hated b. loved c. produced d. did experiments on
a. hated
Remorse: As Tommy walked home with the money from the church he had stolen in his pocket, powerful feelings of remorse bubbled in his stomach. a. happiness b. power c. regret d. confusion
c. regret
Education is the best way to increase your success in life. Commentary or concrete detail?
Bill and Jessica are almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessica's turn to choose and Kurt was the only person left. Jessica called Kurt's name.We can infer that A. Kurt is not a very good player B. Kurt is on Bill's team. C. Jessica was inconsiderate of Kurt's feelings. D. Bill, Jessica, Kurt and the other players are playing basketball. E. Kurt is mean.
A. Kurt is not a very good player
How do migrating animals find their destination? They navigate in a variety of ways. Fish use their sense of smell to recognize their migration paths and are guided by changing water temperatures. Birds use the position of the sun to orient themselves. Some birds have magnetic particles in their ear mechanisms that act as a compass. Mammals rely on their memory. Some elephant trails have been used for hundreds of years. A) How do migrating animals find their way? B) Migrating animals navigate in a variety of ways. C) Mammals rely on their memory. D) Fish and birds have special methods for finding their way.
B) Migrating animals navigate in a variety of ways.
Earnest: Jeremiah joked around so much that when he told the others about the accident that had occurred, they didn’t believe that he was being earnest. a. funny b. carefree c. unhappy d. serious
d. serious
Demeanor: My grandma’s demeanor was such that people often thought she was being rude when she was just being honest. a. seriousness b. meanness c. attitude d. humor
c. attitude
College graduates earn an average of $18,000 more per year than those who have a high school diploma. Commentary or Concrete Detail?
Concrete Detail.
"Larry, as your boss, I must say it has been very interesting working with you," Ms. Valdez said. "However, it seems that our company's needs and your performance style are not well matched." What is Ms. Valdez telling Larry? A. She would feel bad if Larry quit. B. Larry is being fired C. Larry is getting a raise. D. She really enjoyed working with him. E. Larry had good performance reviews
B. Larry is being fired
How do migrating animals find their destination? They navigate in a variety of ways. Fish use their sense of smell to recognize their migration paths and are guided by changing water temperatures. Birds use the position of the sun to orient themselves. Some birds have magnetic particles in their ear mechanisms that act as a compass. Mammals rely on their memory. Some elephant trails have been used for hundreds of years. A) How do migrating animals find their way? B) Migrating animals navigate in a variety of ways. C) Mammals rely on their memory. D) Fish and birds have special methods for finding their way.
B) Migrating animals navigate in a variety of ways.
Dismal: With the field torn up by the players’ cleats, and the cold rain falling in waves, conditions on the playing field were dismal. a. excellent b. bad c. normal d. scary
b. bad
Frivolous: My mom wanted to get the red napkins for the party and my dad wanted the blue napkins, but I’m not even concerned about such frivolous things. a. important b. boring c. annoying d. silly
d. silly
Prompt: In a 2+:1 paragraph, describe Carver Middle School. Please provide ONE concrete detail you could include in your paragraph.
Example: *Carver Middle School is located roughly two miles south of downtown Los Angeles. *Carver Middle School has around 800 students. *Carver Middle School is on McKinley Avenue.
Jesse slowly made his way into the classroom. He sat in the back row and put his head down. Mr. Miser announced that today they were playing a trivia game and the winning students would recieve extra credit.What can you infer? A. Jesse enjoys Mr. Misers class B. Mr. Miser teaches math. C. Jesse does not like Mr. Miser's class D. Mr. Miser is Jesse's favorite teacher. E. Both B and C
C. Jesse does not like Mr. Miser's class
When tigers hunt, they hunt alone. In contrast, lions hunt in groups; they work together to drive their prey into an ambush. Cheetahs are known for their speed when they chase prey. Leopards are able to climb trees when they are prowling for prey. Surprisingly, jaguars often hunt in water. There is great diversity in the hunting habits of large cats. There is also great diversity in the places in which they hunt. A) When tigers hunt, they hunt alone, but in contrast, lions hunt in groups. B) Cheetahs, leopards, and jaguars have different methods of hunting. C) There is also great diversity in the places in which they hunt. D) There is great diversity in the hunting habits of large cats, and there is also great diversity in the places in which they hunt.
D) There is great diversity in the hunting habits of large cats, and there is also great diversity in the places in which they hunt.