P2S specifics
Student responsibilities
True or False

On Infinite Campus, what does UNV stand for?

On PowerSchool, what does A stand for? 

  1. Unverified (OPS) & Absent (BPS)


What does P2S stand for?

Pathways to Success

  1. How often should students attend L&L?

 Once a month


What are some of the effects that come from missing school?

  1. Fall behind on assignments, grades drop, you learn less, hard to catch up, disengaged in school, poor attendance habits

  1. If a student and their family are going on a family trip/vacation during school time, and the mom calls the school to let them know, does this count as an excused absence? 

False, even if parents call, the day will be marked as absent


1. On Infinite Campus, what does stand for?

2. On Powerschool, what does L/LU/LEX stand for?

  1. Tardy (OPS)

  2.  Late- L, LU- unexcused, LEX- excused  (BPS)

  1. What is the purpose of the P2S program?

Decrease truancy, tardies, and drop-out rates (by monitoring student performance and progress)

  1. If there is a fight/emergency who should you go to for help? 

Any staff member

  1. What are other resources that you can use in school to help you catch up with your work? 

Talk with you student advocate to see if they can help you after school, find out about school tutoring

  1. A student cannot be marked tardy if they arrive within the first 10 minutes of class.


False, even if you’re 1 minute late they will count it as tardy


1. On Infinite Campus, what does TRU stand for?

2. On Poweschool, what does ABT stand for? 

  1. Truant by teacher (OPS)

  2. Absent by Teacher (BPS)

  1. What is the purpose of the student action plan?

 To track your progress toward your goals and help you prioritize your tasks at school

  1. What are things you go over with your Student Advocate during 1:1’s? 

1. Attendance 2. Grades 3. Action plan 4. Any issues, personal 5. Tea 6. School related 7. L&L 8. P2S activities/updates

  1. What is a valid reason to have an excused absence? 

Medically excused, suspensions, office - meeting with the school staff, school sponsored activity, bus delay

  1. Students who miss school often are at a higher risk of dropping out.

True, chronically absenteeism is strongly associated with school failure.


1. On Infinite Campus, what does MED stand for?

2. On PowerSchool, what does MI stand for?

  1. Medically excused (OPS)

  2. Medical Illness  (BPS)

  1. Who are the people you can go to other than your Student Advocate? 

Counselors, administrators and teachers


Name the thing every student and parent has to complete by the end of the year.  There is an online and paper version.

End of year Survey

  1. What should your Student Advocate do if a student has missed 2 consecutive school days without any communication from the student? 

Reach out to parents/guardians to see  what’s going on.

  1. It doesn’t matter if you arrive late to school as long as you show up, it won't count against you .

False, every minute counts


1. On Infinite Campus, what does SSC/ISS stand for?

2. On Powerschool, what does IS stand for?

  1. Student Success Center/In school suspension (OPS)

  2. In School Suspension (BPS)

  1. How often do Student Advocates meet/ communicate with students and with parents? 

  1. Once a week with students and once a month with parents

  1. As a student of the P2S program, what is expected of you? (There are no wrong or right answers, this is just a list of examples) 

  1. Attending classes on time every day, being respectful to all school staff and student advocate, not skipping classes, asking for help when needed, respecting yourself and others, and respecting school and P2S space.

  1. What counts as an unexcused absence? 

Early dismissal, missing the bus, woke up late, don’t feel like it, skipping/truant, car trouble, not having a ride

  1. Does the P2S attendance program work with more middle schools than high schools? 

False, we are in five different high schools and two middle schools.
