Big Business
Expansion and Empire
Teddy Roosevelt

These two industries served as the two most influential in industrializing the country.

What are railroads and steel?


This piece of legislation from 1882 provided a blemish to the American way, as it was the first time that a specific foreign group had been banned from the United States.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


"Oh look, America is involving them in the affairs of a foreign entity again.  They must be trying to preserve this."

What is democracy?


The Monroe Doctrine made it so no one could intervene in the Western Hemisphere.  TR's Corollary added the stipulation that this country could intervene.

Who is the USA?


"Separate but equal public facilities" was the ruling in this 1896 SCOTUS case.

What is Plessy v. Ferguson?


This 1848 treaty led to the rapid expansion within the West, driving the early development of the railroad industry.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo?

Bonus (100): This message promised Mexico back all this land upon victory in World War I.


Pulitzer, Hearst and Puck Magazine all employed this means of media, relying on sensationalism and emotion in reporting and commenting on the news.

What is yellow journalism?


America had a "splendid little war" in 1898 against the Spanish to back Cuban independence, but no one was absolutely certain that the Spanish sunk this ship in the first place.

What is the USS Maine?


Roosevelt and his 1,000+ executive orders certainly did not speak softly, but he did most certainly make good on the big stick, which represented this example of American power.

What is military power?


The 17th Amendment was an important Progressive voter reform taking the decision to do this out of the hands of state legislatures and putting it in the hands of the people.

What is elect US Senators?


While Carnegie employed the process of buying and controlling the entire means of production for one product, Rockefeller focused on this business strategy, which allowed him to own 90% of oil refineries in the United States at the peak of Standard Oil.

What is horizontal integration?


While both the "old wave" and "new wave" of immigrants settled in urban areas (especially the Northeast), the new wave came under the lure of this change in American society.

What is industrialization?


Columbia (the angel) finished this continental quest around the turn of the 20th century - she didn't join America in their overseas endeavors.

What is manifest destiny?


Teddy may have handpicked Taft as his presidential replacement, but his campaign under this third party split the Republican vote and allowed Wilson to take a victory in 1912 with 42% of the popular vote.

What is the Bull Moose Party?


The SCOTUS declared that "clear and present danger" was the test of whether or not free speech was truly free in this post World War I case.

What is Schenck v. US?


Andrew Carnegie believed in philanthropy and in the wealthy providing some of their wealth to those less fortunate.  He wrote about this belief in this essay.

What is the Gospel of Wealth?


Jacob Riis used this journalistic tactic to bring his observations of slum life to life, but it wasn't at all necessary for Upton Sinclair in this 1906 publication.

Two responses

What is photography?

What is The Jungle?


The Cubans gained their independence after the Spanish-American War, but this actual amendment added a few figurative amendments to that independence.  Many Cuban decisions needed American approval.

What is the Platt Amendment?

Bonus (100): Name one of the stipulations of the Amendment.


Teddy had a number of "pet projects" during his presidency - he authorized Mt. Rushmore and began the roots of modern environmental conservationism.  But, his largest militaristic pet project as president derived from a passion he developed as Assistant Secretary of this branch of the military.

What is the Navy?

Bonus (100): This, his largest display of naval clout, took place in 1910.


W.E.B Du Bois felt a classical, academic education was the best route for African American advancement in society.  Booker T. Washington, conversely, felt this route would serve the African American community in becoming more accepted by all.

What is vocational training and education?


This 1877 strike that focused on the railroads industry led to labor issues becoming a national issue.  Samuel Gompers focused on some of these issues, like higher wages and less hours, advocating for this labor union.

What is the American Federation of Labor?


While the Progressive movement in the early 1900s achieved a variety of justice and reform in urban areas, it actually grew out of this agrarian movement in the late 1800s.

What is the Populist Movement?

Bonus (100 pts): Who is the most famous Populist/Progressive politician that could never quite get that big win?


The United States (specifically Sec. of State John Hay) was able to implement its Open Door Policy in China well - this nearby territory gave them a bit of a base and "stepping stone" to do so

What is the Philippines?


President Taft took this foreign policy approach, much to the chagrin of TR, in which he used America's economic influence to promote good relations and further American business interests.

What is dollar diplomacy?


This long-standing American institution is responsible for loaning money to member banks, holding American gold reserves and issuing new currency.

What is the Federal Reserve?
