name 5 Invasive Insects
Spotted lantern fly, Asian longhorn beetle, Gypsy moth, Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, Emerald Ash Borer
5 soil forming factors
time, topagraphy, climate, organism, parent material
What are the types of PA foxes
Red, Gray Foxes
What are 5 predators of the mudpuppy
Large fish, large turtles, water snakes, some mammals, herons
name 3 invasive plants
Autumn-Olive, Honeysuckle, Tree of Heaven, Garlic Mustard, Japanese Barberry
2 examples of physical weathering
water, and repeated heating thawing
State Mamel
White Tail Deer
A small toad that contains poisonous glands that secrete a mild toxin
Wood toad
The layers of a tree trunk
Bark, Xylem, Phloem, Heartwood
Farming practices to control errosion
no till, terraces, strip cropping, contour farming
A neurological disease that affects members of the cervid family
Chronic Wasting Disease
Relating to or resulting from living things
high grading
only cutting down the best trees to sell
What are the 6 soil horizons
organic layer, topsoil, elevation layer, subsoil, parent rock, bedrock
a primarily a disease of bird that affects the central nervous system
West Nile Virus
a moderately large lizard with short legs and a streamline body
5 linked shink
October, November, March, April, May are...
The months where wildfires are most common
what are the 4 types of mineral matter found in soil
organic, inorganic, parent material, mineral matter
What bird screeches
eastern screech owl
A small slender freshwater fish with hard spines and a rear with soft rays
pollution and building and clearing the land
human effects