The tool that is used to locate a doctor
What is FAP (Find a provider tool)
What CSAs were formally known as in PA
What are PCs (Program Coordinators)
What is Hot Topics
Where SC information is found
What is the member dashboard
Home and Community based Services
Used to check CPT codes
Where apps like Portico are located
What is Centene Connect
The intent that will be opened prior to filing a grievance
What is Medical Authorization Inquiry
What is demographics
What is Person Centered Service Plan
The tab you click on to view the participant handbook and forms
What is Participant Resources
Where you go to view and complete assigned curriculums and modules
What is Centene University
The intent you will use to document if a ptp states they need a new rewards card
What is member rewards
The tool that converts units to hours, meals, etc..
What is the unit calculator tool
Home Delivered Meals
The amount a ptp will pay for brand name prescription drugs for ptps without Medicare Coverage.
What is $3
CEO of the company
Who is Sarah London
The intent you will use when a ptp states they no longer want to be with our insurance
What is cancellation/disenrollment
NN is also known as this kind of code
What is EMPL stat code
What the OP means when you see it at the beginning of an authorization
What is Outpatient
The name of the program that awards ptps for focusing on their health
What is My Health Pays
Where you can go to shout out a peer, trainer, etc that will be visible to all of Centene.
What is CenTeam Celebrates
The intent you will use to manually assign a PCP because they do not populate in OMNI
What is Update PCP
The QUE that is tasked when doing a lateral PAS switch with a preferred provider
What is LTC Non-Skilled
Nursing Facility Clinically Eligible