Advising &
Academic Resources
Student & Auxiliary Services
Student Affairs
Potpourri I
Potpourri II
This course allows students to focus on who they are in relation to the world of work, and is offered through the Advising Center for Exploring Majors.
What is INT 197H: Exploring Majors and Careers?
The number of Pace students who participated in university-sponsored internships
What is 1200?
This office is responsible for the management of athletics, intramurals, residential life, multicultural affairs, student development, campus activities, wellness programs, and counseling services.
What is the Dean for Students Office?
The percentage of major courses all transfer students must complete at Pace.
What is 50%?
The national average number of first year students who change their major during their first year of college.
What is 2/3?
This office is repsonsible for easing the transition from high school to college, and offeres a variety of programs including University 101, Peer Leaders, and The Freshman Cup.
What is the Office of First Year Experience?
This office offers life time services for graduates of Pace University
What is Career Services?
This is the only office on campus authorized to evaluate and grant a request for a course accommodation for students with a qualifying disability.
What is the Office of Disability Services?
These awards/scholarships are available for all incoming transfer students.
What are the Dean's Scholarship, Transfer Incentive Awards, and the Pace Grant?
How many majors are offered through the Dyson College of Arts and Sciences?
This is a one year program that gives students the academic tools they need to succeed at Pace. Students are paired with a full time Academic Advisor and meet with him/her on a weekly basis in their University 101 course during the first semester
What is CAP: Challenge to Achievement at Pace?
This service is free to all Pace students, is available 7 days a week, and is housed with in Mortola Library.
What is the Tutoring Center?
This set of guidelines is applicable to all faculty, staff, students, potential students/employees, visitors, guests, vendors, contractors, and any other third party while on University Premises.
What is the Guiding Principles of Conduct?
Pace is counted among 15% of colleges and universities as this type of school.
What is a Military Friendly School (as designated by GI Jobs magazine)?
This departments offers new initiatives such as math coaching, academic skills seminars, and academic coaching for athletes.
What is the Office for Student Success?
Heather Calchera, Elizabeth Tesoriero, and Anne Marie McGlynn
What are the names of the women who work in the Dyson Advising Office?
All students are required to have one of these: it gives you access to printing, laundry, gym, refund money, and meal plan.
What is the Pace One Card?
Andrea Winters is the coordinator of this program offered through the Counseling Center at Pace.
What is Alcohol and Other Drugs?
The ways in which all students can earn housing points.
What are number of credits, GPA, individual contribution to community, campus involvement, and community involvement?
This office manages the item that gives students access to printing, laundry, gym, refund money, and meals.
What is Auxiliary Services and the Pace One Card?
The award given by the Center for Academic Excellence to the student who best exemplifies academic citizenship through leadership and experience.
What is the Academic Leadership Award?
Program offered by Career Services where you can meet privately with an employer, review your resume, and practice interviewing.
What are Employer-In-Residence or Practice Interview days?
In 2010 this member of the division of student affairs was hired and this office was reopened.
Who is Cornell Craig and what is Multicultural Affairs & Diversity Programs?
Audrey's favorite scene from "Rookie of the Year".
What is "funky buttloving"?
This office aims to enhance the surrounding area by creating sustainable programs that can function until they are no longer needed.
What is the Center for Community Action and Research?