Scouting "The Basics"
Scouting "Go See It's"
Science & Geography
Do Your Best
What is the Cub Scout Motto?
This resort that is approximately 15 minutes from South Lyon offers Rustic Cabins activities like ice fishing, hiking , and outhouses that I've been told smells like chickens.
What is "Island Lake"?
This video game has brought family and friends together through the use of musical gaming devices. There slogan is "A family that rocks together stays together".
What is Rock Band?
The knot that you use tie 2 ropes together. Right over Left and Left over Right!
What is the Square Knot?
The American National Landmark is 277 miles (446 km) long, up to 18 miles (29 km) wide and attains a depth of over a mile (6,000 feet / 1,800 metres)[2] Nearly two billion years of the Earth's geological history have been exposed as the Colorado River and its tributaries cut their channels through layer after layer of rock.
What is the Grand Canyon?
What is the Cub Scout Handshake?
Hold out your right hand just as you always do to shake hands. Put your first two fingers along the inside of the other boys wrist.
This Historic World War II Submarine completed 14 war patrols and sank 23 ships, the third highest total of enemy ships sunk by a U.S. submarine during the war.
What is Silver Sides?
This classic rock band is considered the best selling band in musical history, and there name is also the same name of an insect.
What is The Beatles?
The activities that are done around the campfire at Scout campouts.
What is Skits?
Static electricity is the build-up of electrical charge in an object. Sometimes static electricity can suddenly discharge, like when a bolt of lightning flashes through the sky. Other times, static electricity can cause objects to cling to each other, like socks fresh out of the dryer. The static cling is an attraction between two objects with different charges, positive (+) and negative (−).
What is Static Electricity?
I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people, and obey the Law of the Pack.
What is the Cub Scout Promise?
Every year the scouts get together on the beach to gaze at stars and planets through high powered telescopes.
What is "Astronomy Night at Kensington Park"?
This inventor and CEO invented products like the Apple and Macintosh computer and the most recent invention the iPad.
Who is Steve Job's?
The badge you need to earn to be able to carry a pocketknife at a campout.
What is Whittling Chip?
This former planet has caused text books to be rewritten and has caused controversy within the Astronomy World. The demotion of this planet to dwarf status was ruled because of it's small size and untidy orbit.
What is Pluto?
In 1953 Don Murphy developed this scouting activity that would foster a close father-son relationship and promote craftsmanship and good sportsmanship through competition
What is the Pine Wood Derby?
A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.
What is "A Scout is Thrifty"?
This famous Hip Hop Musician has the same name as the ticket taker at the movie theater.
Who is Usher?
2 things do you need to navigate in the outdoors.
What are a map and a compass?
This Eagle Scout was the commander of Apollo 11, the first manned lunar landing mission, and was the first man to walk on the moon.
Who is Neil Armstrong?