First Aid
Cooking and Food
Packing a Pack
Name 3 things in a first aid kit.
What is roll gauze, tweezers, molskin, safety pins, bandaids, plastic syringe, asprin, emergency blanket, triangular bandage, duct tape, penny snips, latex gloves, plastic bags, splint, benadryll, antiseptic pads.
If you have an item you suspect to have gone bad, what should you do?
What is when it doubt, throw it out!
What type of hat should be brought on a backpacking trip?
What is a hat that covers the face and back of the neck (example: tilley)
Where should your sleeping bag be stored?
What is at the bottom of the pack
List 3 essentials that should always be packed
What is map, compass, sunglasses, sunscreen, food, matches, knife, repair kit, whistle, flashlight
_______ is an abnormal depletion of body fluid. How do we treat this?
What is dehydration. Treated by increasing your fluid intake, stop activity to rest, get out of direct sunlight (get into shade), prop up your feet, take off extra clothing.
Name 3 cooking utensils that should be brought on a backpacking trip
What is reusable utensils, pot, stove or grill with fuel, tinfoil ect
What are good items to have with you for sleeping?
What is a sleeping bag and sleeping mat.
Where should you pack your rain gear?
What is on top where it is easily accessible
In the event that your bag and contents get wet, what should you have to done prior to the trip?
What is storing an extra set of clothing in a waterproof bag
How do we protect from bug bites, poison ivy ect.?
What is wear long pants, high socks and appropriate footwear (hiking boot)
What condiment spoils quickly when exposed to warm temperatures for an extended amount of time?
What is mayonnaise and salad dressings
For a three night back country trip, what clothing articles should we bring?
What is 2-3 fast drying t-shirts, 1 pair of cargo shorts with pockets for storage, 1 long sleeve, 2 pairs of long pants (provide protection), option to bring swimwear for bathing, hiking boots and good quality sandals.
Where do your cooking utensils go?
What is in the middle of your pack below your foot items
What weather phenomenon is associated with a thunderstorm?
What is rain, hail, wind and lightnight
If someone was to get a blister, how would we treat it?
What is placing an antibacterial ointment on the wound then covering it with gauze molskin and securing with medical tape.
What food item should you bring that will help you to stay warm during cooler nights?
What is high energy snacks to be eaten before bed (example: trail mix)
What is the best type of footwear to bring on a back country camping trip?
What is waterproof steel toed hiking boots
Where do your tent poles go?
What is along the outside of your pack
What are the ABC's of packing?
What is A- accessibility, B- balance, C- condense/compression
What is hyperthermia and how do we treat it?
What is slowly emerse body in cool water, find shade, prop feet up, stop activity to rest.
What foods keep you fuller longer?
What is foods with higher fat, protein and complex carbohydrate content. These foods release energy slower.
What is 1 consideration when packing clothing for a trip?
What is 1) does it work in different settings? 2) can I use it on more than occasion? 3) is it of good quality? 4) will it take up a lot of space in my bag? 5) how long will it take to dry? 6) does it mix and match with the other travel clothing that i've selected?
Where do heavy objects go that won't be needed during the hike
What is in the lower to mid portion of the pack
What is the optimal ratio for the weight of a pack to one's body weight?
What is a pack should weight about 25% of one's body weight