What is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's birthday?
August 28,1774
When is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton's feast day?
Was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton a religious sister or was she married?
Both, her husband died and she became a religious sister after.
Who is the child that St. Anthony of Padua holds.
The Christ Child. St. Anthony had a relationship with the Christ Child. (You should too! The Christ Child knows what it feels like to be a kid! He could be your best friend!)
When was this school founded?
Where was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton From?
New York City
What is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton the patron Saint of?
Catholic schools, educators/teachers, loss of parents, widows, orphans, and people rejected/persecuted for their faith.
How old was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton when she died.
She died when she was 46.
Who is the patron Saint of Ireland?
St. Patrick
Mrs. Russel (she has been at this school for 21 years)
One, Catherine Seton
When was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton canonized?
September 14, 1975, she is the first canonized American saint.
Where was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton buried.
Her body is in the Altar of Relics in the Basilica.
Where was St. Anthony of Padua from?
Lisbon, Portugal.
How many students are there at this school?
475 students.