Poster you find the job code TK on
What is Business/Marketing
Things you need to do your assigned job
What are materials
Most materials will be found here
What is the job box
A job working with saws will be done in this area
What is Construction/Industrial
When you are ready to begin your job
What is raise your hand and call for a supervisor
The big number on the poster that you find the job code FP.
What is 3
Sentence that tells you what your going to do in this job
What is the Procedure
Bold print under Materials on my job card means
What is my materials will be found in another place beside my job box.
What is processing/production
Most Thursdays
What is skills training
What does the job code DE stand for?
Following these will tell you how to do the job
What are the steps
Life skills room
Where is some materials I may need
The number on the Business/Marketing Job Chart
What is 2
When you have a question
What is raise your hand and call for a supervisor
Color of the job MP4
What is Blue
How long it takes to typically do this job
When you don't know what something is you should look in this
What is the Equipment Manual
Life skills room
What is some job work areas will be in this room
Mr. Brian's #1 rule in the PAES Lab
What is NO YAWNING!!!
Poster you would find the job with the Ten Key calculator on.
What is Business/Marketing
Words that are in BOLD print
What is Important information
When you can't find an item and you've looked in the equipment manual and still can't find it, you should
What is raise your hand and call for your supervisor
To have plenty of work space
What is put away all things you will not be using for your job
Mr. Brian
Who is my favorite teacher