Advising Network
First Year Courses/ Curriculum
Academic Engagement Offices
Non-Academic, On-Campus Resources
Student Handbook

How many courses must a student take to graduate?



This office offers academic coaching, accountability sessions, peer tutoring, English language conversation partners, and workshops.

Academic Resource Center (ARC)


If you are worried that a student is potentially struggling with a mental health related issue, you should refer the student here.

Counseling and Mental Health Services (CAMHS)


How many Gen Ed requirements can be taken Pass/Fail?

You can fulfill one of your Gen Ed requirements with a course taken Pass/Fail.


True or false: A first-year student can take a freshman seminar during their fall and spring semesters.



This resource is staffed by undergraduate course assistants for introductory calculus to help students approach problem sets and synthesize material

Math Question Center (The MQC)


This office specializes in education, support, and promotion for topics related to diversity and inclusivity. Students may turn to this office for resources on contacting a Race Relations Tutor in their House or Community, connecting with a Diversity Peer Educator, seeking guidance from the Undocumented Students Support group, and more.

Office for Diversity Education and Support


If your PAFee expresses interest in teaching after graduation, what program might you direct them towards?

The Undergraduate Teacher Education Program (UTEP) and/or the Harvard Teacher Fellows (HTF) program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE).


Who should a PAF communicate to about student concerns or situations?

Proctor, adviser, and RDF


What are the four Gen Ed categories?

  • Aesthetics & Culture
  • Ethics & Civics
  • Histories, Societies, Individuals
  • Science & Technology in Society

If a PAFee tells you they are struggling with a research paper, you can direct them here.

The Writing Center


Trained peer counselors offer guidance around gender, identity, SES, alcohol and drugs, grief, relationships, eating, health, school, and anything else here.

Room 13


How many satisfactory letter-graded credits must a student have in order to graduate?

84 (at least 96 credits to be eligible for a degree with honors).


What is the most popular concentration for the Class of 2023?



Where is the the Writing Center located? 

The Writing Center is located in the basement of the Barker Center. When a student schedules an appointment, they are able to choose between in-person and Zoom appointments.


Students can connect with this office for resources related to diversity and inclusivity specifically around issues of race and culture. Students can schedule one-on-one meetings with members of staff.

Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations


It's the sixth Monday of the term. Your PAFee would like to drop one of their classes. Can they?

No. They may petition to withdraw from the course, though, until the eleventh Monday of a term. If they do so, their record will carry the notation "WD" for the course.


The Expository Writing requirement has existed at Harvard since.....



This center offers acculturation and conversational support to help students who are non-native English speakers fine-tune their speaking and listening skills, understand local idioms, learn more about the U.S. and Harvard cultures, or practice for oral presentations.

The English Language Conversation Program, within the ARC


This office is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment that is free from sexual harassment and other sexual misconduct.

Office for Gender Equity.


One of your PAFees' Gen Ed courses is approved for two categories. Can they use the course to fulfill both requirements?

No. An individual student will be able to use a particular course to fulfill only one requirement.  For courses tagged for two requirements, a student will be able to choose which requirement they would like to use it to complete.  
