German to English: Anprobekabine
fitting rooms
German to English: Welche Größe?
Which size?
german to English: Verkäufer
shop assistant
German to English: Kunde
One or ones? I have a Smart watch and a normal _____, too.
One or ones? These are my new headphones. I lost my old ______ a few weeks ago.
One or ones?
A: What do you think of these sunglasses?
B: They look good, but the other ______ are a bit cheaper.
One or ones?
A: Nice shoes! Are they new?
B: Yes, my old _______ had holes in them.
Translate: Diese Schuhe sind in Ordnung, aber ich bevorzuge die anderen.
These shoes are ok, but I prefer the other ones.
Translate using one/ones: Dieses Restaurant ist geschlossen. Mal sehen, ob das andere offen ist.
This restaurant is closed. Let's see if the other one is open.
Translate using one/ones: Cool Jeans. Ich denke, ich werde diese anprobieren.
Cool jeans. I think I'll try these ones on.
Translate using one/ones: Ich habe ein paar schwarze und ein paar rote Turnschuhe.
I have some black sneakers and some red ones too.