Pain that lasts for a short amount of time
A subjective measure in which individuals rate their pain on an eleven-point scale
What is numeric pain rating scale
Environmental control, massage, cold/heat packs, distraction, positioning, splinting, exercise
What are examples of nonpharmacologic interventions?
Gingerroot and garlic
What are homeopathic meds that inhibit platelet aggregation/increase risk of bleeding?
Pharmacological: Warfarin/coumadin
4 g/day max, hepatotoxic
What is acetaminophen?
Pain that lasts beyond a normal healing period
What is chronic pain?
Shows a series of faces ranging from happy face to a crying face
What is wong-baker pain scale
Tylenol, Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Morphine, Toradol
What are examples of pharmacologic interventions?
Has a calming effect
What is chamomile or valerian?
Vomiting, decreased GI motility, no gag reflex, difficulty swallowing, decrease LOC
What are contraindications to administer pain medication
Increases risk for chronic pain, post-op complications, longer stays, and hospital acquired conditions.
What is poorly controlled acute pain? (poor pain management)
Used to assess pain for children between the ages 2-7 years
What is FLACC Pain scale
Reassessment time of PO medications
What is within 60 minutes of administration?
Helps with nausea
What is peppermint, licorice or ginger?
Dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation
What are anticholinergic effects?
Factor that affects pian experience/increase sensitivity?
What is anxiety and/or fear?
Pain scale used for infants under 6 months old
CRIES- assesses crying, oxygenation, vital signs, facial expression and sleeplessness
Reassessment time for IV/IM medications
What is within 30 minutes of administration?
Improves memory
Ginkgo biloba
RISK- increases bleeding- don’t take with warfarin/coumadin
Self administered analgesic; small frequent doses
What is PCA- patient controlled analgesic?
Temporary flare-up of moderate to severe pain
What is breakthrough pain?
Incident, idiopathic, end of dose
Pain scale used for individuals that are unable to communicate their pain
PAINAD (specifically for dementia pts)- 0-10 scale breathing, negative vocalization (yelling/moaning), facial expression, body language, ability to be consoled
What is Adjuvant analgesic?
Around the clock
Tremors, rigidity, restless, acute dystonia(spastic movements) drooling, agitation, shuffling gait
What are Extrapyramidal symotoms?