Acute Pain vs Chronic Pain
Nursing Diagnosis

Patients experiencing acute pain may exhibit this non-verbal cue, which involves tightly clenching or holding onto the injured/affected area.



What is the duration of pain where it is still labeled acute?

under 6 months


What is the name of the most common standardized scale used for assessing pain?

Numerical Pain Rating Scale


What is a nursing intervention for helping a patient in pain 

Administer pain medication per Dr's orders


What are some good NANDAs for patients dealing with Pain

Acute Pain, Chronic Pain, Impaired Physical Mobility, Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity, Ineffective Coping


Non-verbal cue, which involves facial expressions such as frowning, tightening of facial muscles, or contorting of the face in response to discomfort



Decreased quality of life or functional impairment is typically associated with this type of pain

Chronic Pain


When assessing pain, it's important for nurses to consider these factors, which can influence the pain experience

Biological, Social, and Psychological 


What non-pharmacological nursing interventions might be employed to manage acute pain?

Applying ice or heat packs, positioning for comfort, distraction techniques,


Create an expected outcome for this Scenario: Mr. Patel, an 80-year-old male, is bedridden due to severe hip pain from osteoarthritis. He spends most of his time lying in bed and has difficulty changing positions independently. Nursing assessment reveals 8/10 pain at his hip (tolerable level 4/10), redness over his sacral area, indicating prolonged pressure. Mr. Patel is at risk for developing pressure ulcers without intervention.

Mr. Patel will experience a reduction in hip pain intensity from 8/10 to a tolerable level of 4/10 or less on the numeric rating scale by end of shift


Patients experiencing chronic pain may exhibit this psychological symptom, which involves feeling down, sad, or hopeless.



Traumatic injuries and surgeries fall often into this category of pain

Acute pain


What acronym is commonly used to assess pain?





Region, Radiation




What education can nursing students provide their patients dealing with chronic pain

Patient education on stress management techniques, lifestyle modifications (diet and exercise), support groups, non-pharmacological pain management techniques


Create a nursing diagnosis: Mrs. Smith, a 62-year-old female, underwent abdominal surgery yesterday. She reports pain at the surgical incision site, describing it as sharp and stabbing, with a numeric rating scale of 7 out of 10. She grimaces when moving and guards her abdomen when coughing or sneezing. Her heart rate is elevated at 110 beats per minute.

Acute Pain related to physical injury secondary to surgical incision as evidenced by pt report of pain (numeric rating scale 7/10), facial grimacing, guarding of the surgical site, and elevated heart rate of 110bpm.


Patients with acute pain may demonstrate this behavior, which involves moving around in bed or pacing due to discomfort



Pain that is sudden onset, patient demonstrates localized tenderness and increased heart rate

Acute Pain


During a pain assessment, patients may exhibit non-verbal cues such as these, indicating the presence of pain.

facial grimacing, guarding, restlessness, and altered vital signs (increased HR, increased RR, increased BP) 


What non-pharmacological nursing interventions can help improve quality of life for patients experiencing chronic pain?

Helping the patient establish a structured daily routine, encourage social support networks, promote relaxation techniques (meditation/deep breathing exercises), and facilitating participation in enjoyable activities


Create a Nursing Diagnosis:Mr. Johnson, a 55-year-old male, has been diagnosed with degenerative joint disease in his knees. He reports persistent knee pain, rating it as a 5 out of 10 on the numeric rating scale. He experiences difficulty walking and climbing stairs due to pain and stiffness in his knees. Facial expressions indicate discomfort during movement.

Chronic Pain related to disruptions in spinal alignment secondary to degenerative joint disease as evidenced by verbal reports of persistent pain (numeric rating scale 5/10), decreased mobility, and facial expressions indicating discomfort.


This sign of acute pain occurs when pressure applied to the abdomen and then released causes pain upon release rather than upon application, often indicating potential peritonitis or appendicitis.

Rebound tenderness


Pain that is described as persistent for years, described as dull or aching sensations, causes changes in patient's sleep patterns and changes in mood

Chronic Pain


What is a commonly used pain scale for assessing pain in pediatrics and/or developmentally delayed patients?

Wong-Baker Faces Pain scale


Besides administering pain medications, what nursing interventions might be employed to address the underlying cause of acute pain?

Assisting with dressing changes/wound care, facilitating mobility, changing positions, providing emotional support, and coordinating interdisciplinary care with physical therapists


Create a Nursing Diagnosis: Ms. Thompson, a 45-year-old female, has been living with chronic lower back pain for several years. She struggles to manage her pain effectively and expresses frustration with the limitations it imposes on her daily life. Despite attempts to alleviate pain with medication, she continues to experience sleep disturbances and relies on unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking to manage stress.

Ineffective Coping related to chronic pain as evidenced by expressions of frustration, difficulty sleeping, and reliance on maladaptive coping mechanisms such as smoking or excessive use of pain medications.
