The fifth vital sign
What is pain?
Provocation, Quality, Region/Radiation, Severity, Timing
What is PQRST assessment?
Injected into or around nerve for example during carpel tunnel surgery.
Environmental control, massage, cold/heat packs, distraction, positioning, splinting, exercise
What are examples of nonpharmacologic interventions?
The patient may feel sleepy but is aware of his surroundings, can be easily aroused by touch or speech, and can talk with the surgical team
What is conscious sedation?
Pain that lasts for short time
What is acute pain?
Scales for patients unable to self-report
What are FLACC and PAINAD ?
The amount of time that plavix should be held prior to nerve block procedure.
What is 5-7 days?
Tylenol, Dilaudid, Fentanyl, Morphine, Toradol
What are examples of pharmacologic interventions?
The following nursing assessments are for what type of pain control? Pain assessment Check for sensation and movement in limbs ROM,CWCM Decrease dose for numbness and tingling
What is an epidural?
Pain that lasts beyond a normal healing period
What is chronic pain?
A subjective measure in which individuals rate their pain on a scale.
What is numeric pain rating scale?
Nerve block absolute contraindications
What are patient refusal, infection at the needle insertion site, elevated ICP, hypovolemia/hypotension, and allergy?
Reassessment time for nonpharmacologic interventions
What is 120 minutes?
Two medications that are given by PCA
What is Hydromorph and Morphine?
Increases risk for chronic pain, post-op complications, longer stays, and hospital acquired conditions.
What is poorly controlled acute pain? (poor pain management)
A reliable assessment tool for pain in dementia patients
What is PAINAD?
This type of sedation causes a loss of consciousness and loss of sensations
What is general anesthetic?
Reassessment of IV/IM medications
What is within 30 minutes of administration?
Agents are infused through the catheter into the epidural space to produce loss of sensation space
What is epidural anestheis?
Can be associated with a physical injury, but can also be an emotional response.
What is pain?
Most accurate pain assessment tools
What is patient self report?
This action will occur 15-30mins after administration of pain medication
What is re-evaluation of pain and medication effect?
Reassessment of PO medications
What is within 60 minutes of administration?
The most common indication for an epidural