The subjective gold standard for basic pain assessment.
What is the pain scale (1-10)
A patient safety tool, used to make prescribing decisions based on patient’s histories, with the goal of reducing misuse and diversion of controlled substances. Used to monitor Schedule II -V controlled substances dispensed in Alaska and should be queried every time a controlled substance is prescribed.
What is the AK PDMP?
Beers Criteria suggests that this class of pain medications that reduce inflammation be used at the lowest dose to ameliorate symptoms while keeping duration of time exposed to a minimum.
What are NSAIDS?
Usually comes on suddenly and is caused by something specific. It is sharp in quality. Usually doesn’t last longer than three months, and resolves when the cause is addressed.
What is Acute Pain?
Name three non-pharmacologic pain strategies that can be used for mild to moderate pain.
Name 3 non verbal pain indicators that can be observed in a patient who is unable to communicate pain scale.
what are frowning, change in mood or behavior, limping or favoring a part of the body, decreased function/ambulation, vocalizations, insomnia, crying etc?
The CDC recommends this be done before starting opioid therapy and at least annually to assess for prescribed medications as well as other controlled prescription drugs and illicit drugs.
What is Drug Urine Testing?
Opioid that is 100x stronger than Morphine, and is used for Chronic, severe pain.
What is Fentanyl?
May result in Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue, Insomnia, or Mood Swings
What is Chronic Pain?
Anticonvulsant that can be useful in managing neuropathic pain, but may cause increased confusion, falls, and somnolence. (name 1)
What are gabapentin, pregabalin, carbamazepine, or lamotrigine?
Recite the 8 Pain Assessment Items represented in the Mnemonic OLDCARTS that facilitate a complete pain assessment.
What are onset, location, duration, character, Aggravating, Relieving, Timing, Severity?
What are characteristics of patients who are more sensitive to opioid adverse effects and higher risk for overdose?
Three important topics to discuss with patients to keep their families safe when they are prescribed opioids for pain.
What are, how to securely store opioids, safely dispose of opioids, and never share opioids with others? or how to use Naloxone
Percentage of American adults reporting chronic pain in 2023.
What is between 24.3% or almost 1/4?
OTC Pain patch that can be applied to skin for mild musculoskeletal pain.
What is a Lidocaine patch?
Decreased level of consciousness/unresponsiveness, slurred speech, Pinpoint pupils, Slowed, shallow, or stopped breathing, Very pale and/or clammy skin, Purple or blue lips or fingernails, Vomiting or gurgling noises. Slowed or undetectable pulse.
what are signs of impending opioid overdose?
Risk vs benefit conversation is initiated regarding opioid use for pain management.
When is, before prescribing opioid therapy, within the first month of therapy, whenever dose is changed, at least yearly, and PRN?
When starting opioid therapy for acute, subacute, or chronic pain, clinicians should prescribe opioids with what pharmacokinetics? (eg LA,SR,ER,IR,CR)
What are immediate Release Opioids?
Who is more likely to report chronic pain between men and women?
Who are Women? Women were more likely to have chronic pain (25.4%) and high-impact chronic pain (9.6%) than men (23.2% and 7.3%, respectively).
For patients with osteoarthritis pain in multiple joints or incompletely controlled with topical NSAIDs, this medicine should be considered in conjunction with Tylenol as appropriate.
What is Cymbalta?
Can lead to acute withdrawal symptoms, provoke thoughts of suicide and lead patients to seek out illicit opioids "as a way to treat their pain or withdrawal symptoms."
What is a Rapid opioid taper or abrupt discontinuation?In general, for patients who are physically dependent on opioids, taper by an increment of no more than 10 percent to 25 percent every 2 to 4 weeks. (FDA)
What are S/S of opioid use disorder
Duration of time taking opioid medication that can lead to opioid dependance.
When is as little as 4-8 weeks.
The type of chronic pain in adults who responded “most days” or “every day” to the survey question, “Over the past 3 months, how often did your pain limit your life or work activities?
What is "High Impact Chronic Pain"
Brand new non-opioid pain medication that targets a pain-signaling pathway involving sodium channels in the PNS, approved by FDA January 30, 2025
What is Journavx (suzetrigine)? adverse reactions: itching, muscle spasms, increased blood level of creatine phosphokinase, and rash. Avoid grapfruit.