What are possible side effects of Opioid administration?
Pain Assessment 30-60 minutes after this type of pain medication administration
What is oral administration of pain meds?
Fentanly, Morphine, Meperidine
What are three examples of Opioids used to treat moderate to severe pain
Reposition patient, provide a back rub, use a TENS unit
What is applying the gate theory of pain transmission
Urinary retention, headache, risk for injuries
What are risks associated with epidural catheter infusion of pain meds
A NANDA that addresses the potential for decreased respiratory rate after administration of an Opiod
What is "Risk for ineffective breathing pattern"?
What is the appropriate time interval for V.S.'s during an epidural administration?
What is every 15 minutes?
These act on the CNS to produce a combination of depressing and stimulating effects. Bind with opiate receptors in the brain to modify perception of pain
What is the Action of Opiods to control pain
Increased respiratory rate, increased blood glucose, increased heart rate and BP
What are stress responses from acute pain that is not well controlled?
Pain Medications are scheduled routinely every 8 hours in the first days post-op.
What is "Around the Clock" administration of pain meds?
Narcan is an example of this
What is a narcotic antagonist? (reverses effects of narcotics/opioids)