Name a primary color
Red or Blue or Yellow
What do you call the project we made that included all the primary and secondary colors?
color wheel
Name a kind of paint.
watercolor, acrylic, oil, tempera, gouache
Who teaches this class?
Ms Yelnick
Name any artist.
internet check!
Name a secondary color
Green or Purple or Orange
What did we mix the paint with to make texture in the color wheels?
baking soda
What do you call what we used for the base coat on the bookshelf?
How do you know if your paint brush is clean?
When you rinse it the water runs clear
First semester is Painting 1. What class will this be second semester?
What do you get when you mix blue and yellow?
what is abstract painting?
it does not represent reality
uses form, shape, color, texture for effect
why is it important to clean paint brushes?
because the paint will dry on and ruin them
Where do we store the acrylic paint?
The first blue cabinet
What color do you get if you mix red, yellow, and blue?
Name two complementary colors
blue and orange
red and green
yellow and purple
What are expectations for open studio days?
work on a creative project
Are the paints we use in the classroom water based or oil based?
water based
What is Ms Yelnick's most important rule?
Be kind!!!!
Name a famous painter
internet check!
What is a tertiary color?
When you mix a primary with a secondary color
What kind of paint are we using for our next project?
Why did Ms Yelnick say we won't be using oil paints?
not enough ventilation/ too many chemicals
What days is Ms Eldek here?
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
What tool is used to mix and apply paint, especially for thicker applications?
palette knife