Is 64 prime or composite
what is composite
round 24.34 to the nearest whole number
what is 24
what triangle has equal sides
how do you find the median
what is put the numbers in order and then find the middle number
if the circles diameter is 10 what is the radius
what is the only even prime number
23.234 rounded to the nearest tenth
what is 23.3
what triangle has only two equal sides
what is isosceles
what is the mode
what is the number that shows up the most
what is the dot in the middle of the circle
Is 29 composite or prime
what is 234.789 rounded to the nearest hundredth
what is 234.79
what triangle has no equal sides
what is scalene
how do find the range
add the biggest and smallest numbers together
what touches both sides of the circle but dose not go through the center
is 12 prime or composite
24.3456 rounded to the nearest thousandth
what is 24.346
what angle is exactly 90 degrees
what is a right angle
what is a factor
what is you times to get the product in a multiplication
length outside of the circle
Is 97 prime or composite
what is prime
what is 456.543 rounded to the nearest tenth
what is 456.5
what angle is more than 90 degrees
what is obtuse
how do you find mean
what is add all the numbers up and then divide by how numbers you have
touches both sides of a circle but goes through the center