The most popular sport in Pakistan, and matches between India and Pakistan are considered one of the biggest sporting events in the world?
Pakistani culture is based on what other culture?
Indo-persian culture
Waqer Younis does what as a job?
Sport presenter.
Pak Suzuk Motors makes what?
95% of the population is what religion?
There is a sport, unique to pakistan, called kushti. What do you think it is?
It is a type of wrestling that has been on for centuries.
Pakistani Independence day is on what day?
Abdus Salam won what prize?
Won a Nobel Prize.
65% of merchandise exports and employing 45% of labor force is in what?
Pak means holy and istan means ______?
Pakistan has hosted many international _____ tournaments. In 2025, Karachi will host the inaugural U23 World _____ Championship?
Squash (the sport).
Mela Chiraghan is death anniversary of who?
The death anniversary of the Punjabi Sufi poet
What does Fawad Khan do?
Actor and producer.
A primary area of production in Pakistan?
Pakistan was created in what year?
A popular contact sport where two teams of seven players compete to tag opponents and return to their own half of the field. A rider from one team is sent to the other team's court and chants "Kabaddi, Kabaddi, Kabaddi". What sport do people chant this?
Eld-ul-Adha commemorates what?
Commemorates the prophet Ibrahim.
Shoaib Akhtar plays what sport?
Wheat, rice, yogurt, cheese, and barley are what industry?
What is their currency?
Pakistani Rupees.
The national sport of Pakistan, and the Pakistan national team was ranked number one in the world in 2000 and 2001?
Field Hockey.
Eid-ul-fitr is what?
The celebreates of one month of fasting.
Who is Muhammad ali Jinnah?
Founder of pakistan and it's first govenrnor general.
What industry has the potential to become a regional or global player?
Chemical industry.
The world's first PC virus was created by two pakistani brothers named?
Amjad and Basit Faroog Alvi.