what is the population rank of Pakistan
It is the fifth most populated country in South Asia.
what is the tallest mountain in Pakistan
K2 (also known as Mount Godwin-Austen
what was Pakistan called before 1947?
British India
who was a very important philanthropist and humanitarian?
What is Pakistan's nation sport
Field Hockey
what type of republic does Pakistan do?
Islamic Republic
what is the longest river in Pakistan?
The Indus River
(3,180 km long)
what was the earliest civilization that lived in Pakistan?
the Indus Valley civilization
who was the founder of Pakistan
Muhammed Ali Jinnah
What is the national dish of Pakistan?
How many people live in Pakistan?
253.5 million people
what is the oldest monument in Pakistan?
the lahore Fort
What is the nations capital?
who is Pakistan's biggest superstar?
Mahira Khan
How many Pakistanis have won a Noble Prize?
Is pakistan a free country?
What is the top visited tourist location in Pakistan?
what is the oldest recorded name for Pakistan?
who was the first woman to be selected to head a democratic government in a Muslim-majority party?
Benazir Bhutto
What is the major religion is Pakistan?
who is Pakistan ruled by right now?
Asif Ali Zardari
what is the most historical temple is Pakistan?
Katas Raj Temples
when did the latest war in Pakistan Happen?
March 2024
Who is the most famous cricket coach in Pakistan?
Wasim Akram
What does Pakistan mean?
Land of the Pure