What does the letter <i> spell in itch?
[ 𝖨 ]
rights ➙
right + s
What does the letter <u> spell in up?
[ ʌ ]
What does the letter <o> spell in geography?
[ ɑ ]
What does the letter <i> spell in radio?
[ i ]
righted ➙
right + ed
What does the letter <u> spell in cute?
[ ʲu ]
What does the letter <o> spell in autograph?
[ ə ] or [ o ]
What does the letter <i> spell in partial?
It palatalizes the <t>, but is zeroed. It is non-syllabic.
rightly ➙
right + ly
What does the letter <u> spell in actual?
[ u ] and it palatalizes the <t>.
What does the letter <o> spell in bio?
[ oʊ ]
What does the letter <i> spell in artifact?
[ 𝖨 ] or [ ə ]
righteous ➙
right + e + ous
What does the letter <u> spell in manuscript?
[ ʲu ]
What does the second letter <o> spell in zoology?
[ ɑ ]
What does the letter <i> spell in unicorn?
[ 𝖨 ] or [ ə ]
righteousness ➙
right + e + ous + ness
What does the letter <u> spell in particular?
[ ʲu ]
What is the letter <o> doing / spelling in asteroid?
It combines with the <i> to spell [ɔ𝖨].