Was the Permian geological time period the last time period of Paleozoic Era or the first time period.
The Permian geological time period was the last time period of the Paleozoic Era.
What country does the term Carboniferous come from?
The term Carboniferous came from England.
Was North America under sea's during the Ordovician Period?
Yes, North America was.
Which type of insects appeared during the Paleozoic Era?
Winged Insects appeared during the Paleozoic Era.
What was the Era after the Paleozoic called?
It was called the Mesozoic Era.
Was the Permian geological time period called the "Age of dinosaurs"? Yes or no?
Yes, the Permian geological time period was called the "Age of dinosaurs".
Is it true that the Carboniferous Period is famous for its vast swamp forests?
Yes, it is true.
Where there High sea's worldwide during the Silurian Period?
Yes, there were.
Did sharks and reptiles appear during the Paleozoic Period?
Yes, they did.
List 3 animals that existed during the Paleozoic Era.
Sharks, Trilobites, Gastropods, Brachiopods, Springtails, tree bugs, beetles, etc.
Is it true that the global geography of the Permian included massive areas of land and water?
Yes, this is true the global geography of the Permian included massive areas of land and water.
How did plant material transform into coal during the Carboniferous time period?
Plant material did not decay when the seas covered them, and pressure and heat eventually built up over millions of years to transform the plant material into coal.
How many super continents existed during the Paleozic Era and what where their names?
There were 2 which were called Pangaea and Rodinia.
Which type of plants appear during the Paleozoic Era?
Vascular and Primitive plants appeared during this era.
What was the first reptile to appear?
Hylonomus was the first reptile to appear.
Is it true that the Permian geological time period was called the "Middle Animals".
No, this is not true the Permian geological time period was not called "Middle Animals".
Is it true that the collision of the Laurasia and the Gondwana produced the Appalachian Mountains?
Yes, it is.
What happened to the continent Rodinia during the Cambrian Period?
The continent Rodinia broke apart during the Cambrain Period.
What caused Trilobites to become extinct during the Paleozoic Era?
Glaciation caused this to happen.
Is it true that 95% percent of marine life went extinct. Is this true?
Yes, it is.
How long did the Permian geological time period last?
The Permian geological time period lasted 40 million years
How long did the Carboniferous time period last?
The Carboniferous time period lasted about 60 million years.
What was the name of the super-single continent that the continents merged into during the Permian Period?
The name of it was Pangaea.
What type of fish appeared during the Paleozoic Era?
Jawed Fish appear.
how to find a rock from the a paleozoic era
if you find a rock with a trilobite fossil upon it, you will immediately know that the rock is Paleozoic in age (541 Ma to 252 Ma) and not older or younger;