Early history-1st intifada
Economic Apartheid
Oslo-2nd Intifada
Political Figures

What year did Isreal declare itself a state?

1948 ( Nakba)


Do Palestinians living in the West Bank have the right to vote, move freely, and property? 

True or False



Did the Oslo accords fail or suceed? 

It Failed 

Who is Benjamin Netanyahu

The Prime minister of the zionist entity 


How did Israel restrict Gaza after Hamas was elected?

The loss of full autonomy over land, air, and sea. The import and export of people, goods, and services. Severe restrictions on fuel and electricity.


What happened to Palestinians in the Nakba?

- 750,000 Palestinians expelled from their homes by Zionist forces, destroyed 400-500 villages.

- 800 Palestinians; killed 10,000 & wounded 30,000 Palestinians; Palestinian & Arab forces massacred 200 Jews during the War, killed 4,000 Zionist militants, 2,000 civilians. 


What happend to gaza's poverty level after Isreal's siege? 

Increased poverty level making 40-50% of Gaza's population living in poverty and 80% of households   depend on food aid. 


What was Isreal's response after the first intifda?

Israel killed 142 Palestinians in Gaza, 175K Palestinians in Israeli jails, 

30K Palestinian children needed medical treatment after being beaten by soldiers

23K subject to torture


Who was Yaser Arafat

infamous chairman of the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) & previous president of the PA (Palestinian National Authority)


Why did Fatah lose Popularity?

Fatah lost trust & respect due to Zionist collaboration, nepotism, corruption & poor governance.


What is the Balfour Declaration (1917)

the British announced support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.


What's an example of Israel’s Domination of Palestine’s Economy

Gaza & the West Bank became an export market for Israeli products & a cheap source of labor. Israel pushed Palestinians into a relationship of dependence on the Israeli labor market. In 1991, this had catastrophic consequences when Israel revoked Palestinians right to work in Israel.


What were the main 2 reasons behind the uprising of the 2nd Intifada?

Failure of peace talks and Isreal continued to expand occupation infrastructure, settlements, land confiscations, home demolitions, administrative detentions, and murdering thousands 

Israel brutality suppressed Palestinian protesters, shooting children in the head, including 14 Palestinian children killed within 10 days of the outbreak of protests after Ariel Sharon, opposition leader, visited the Al-Aqsa Mosque, asserting Israeli sovereignty over the Mulsim Holy Site. 


Who was Ismail Haniyeh

Spokesperson for the political wing of Hamas,diplomat, former prime minister, was recently assisnated 


What did the U.S. do to prevent Hamas from gaining power?

The US colluded with the relationship between Hamas and Fatah. The US armed & funded Fatah’s military wing, pressuring them to declare an “emergency government” to prevent Hamas from carrying out its democratic mandate; Encouraging Hamas & Fatah to fight a civil war in Gaza. 


What are three ways the freedom of expression of Palestinians was suppressed post-occupation?

The cultural erasure of the Palestinian identity ie the name ‘Palestine’ being banned; Palestinian flags banned; calls for Palestinian independence through grassroots organizing banned, and clothing with Palestinian colors banned.


What was Isreal's goal of the economic blockade on Gaza? 

 To collectively punish the people of Gaza for electing Hamas


What happend at the Oslo Accords?

Israel agreed to recognize the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people; Israel agreed to withdraw its troops from Palestinian urban centers.

 Israel retained military control of most of the non-urban land in the West Bank (Areas B & C) (82% of the West Bank)


Who was Ben-Gurion 

David Ben-Gurion, born in Poland, head of the Jewish Agency from 1935-1948, First Prime Minister of Israel, 1948-1954. believed it would be better if as few Arabs as possible would remain in the territory of the Jewish state


Who Won the Hamas and Fatah civil War



What was the background behind the first Intifada?

workplace exploitation, curfews, harassment at checkpoints, physical abuse, political arrest; land confiscations; home demolitions


What fruits and vegetables are Palestinians not allowed to grow and sell?

Grapes, eggplant, tomatoes, onions, commercial seeds, and wild za'atar, 


Who was the Palestinian leader in the Oslo negotiations?

Yasser Arafat


Who was Ahmad Yassin ?

founder of an Islamic charity in Gaza focused on education, youth activities, orphanages, health clinics, social services & Islamic preaching.


What year did Hamas transition to a militant resistance group 

