Intelligent as a five to seven-year-old human child. It makes a wonderful partner, but there have been more than a few cases where they've killed their master after learning to use weapons.
Expedition Survivor: "This island is a living hell. The people I came with aren't with us any longer.... Those damned Pals ate every one of 'em."
Plateau of Beginnings
Made out of Flour and Berries, this foodstuff acts as an excellent staple for sustaining an early Pal population at a base.
Jam-Filled Buns
This individual will show up occasionally to your base, offering a variety of goods at a reasonable cost.
Wandering Merchant
This is the first game Palworld has shared an open collaboration with:
The Idol of Palpagos Island. If you bully a _____, you best be prepared to become enemies with the whole world.
Reliable PIDF Officer: "If you're in trouble, let me know. As long as you pay, I'll do anything."
Small Settlement
Made out of Stone, Bone, and Pal Fluids, this resource becomes very important after level 20.
This Tower Boss is the only one who does not use a Pal Sphere to summon their Pal.
Lily Everheart
What Palworld update trailer was showcased during the Game Awards?
Feybreak Update
At full speed, it could be mistaken for a bolt of lightning. When two _______ collide, a thunderous roar echoes through the air.
PIDF Goody Two-Shoes: "The boss is up near the tower. If the PIDF can get their hands on some ancient technology, they'll be unstoppable."
This weapon, unlocked at level 7, is the immediate melee upgrade to the Stone Spear.
A member of the Rayne Syndicate, these mooks carry around shotguns and are often found in mid to high-level Syndicate camps and raiding parties.
Syndicate Hunter
What year was Palworld first announced?
The vegetation on it's back varies between individuals. There is a long history of appreciating this veritable garden of a Pal, and there are even _____ pruning specialists.
Reincarnated Guy: "When I was sure I was dead, I prayed for a slice of Pizza. Now I can make Pizza appear in my hand whenever I want. Pretty amazing skill, yeah?"
Windswept Hills
This is the only usable weapon dropped by a Pal, and a Pal Drop is the only way to obtain this weapon.
Elizabee's Staff
A new addition to Palpagos, this NPC can be found in various places around the world and will reward you for performing certain emotes.
Messenger of Love.
In the Sakurajima update trailer in the Summer Game Fest of 2024, this is the pal that the tamer is first shown riding
Extremely sticky and clingy. The more it's resisted, the more tenacious it becomes. Such is its "personality."
Hopeless Supplier: "Our Ship is destroyed, and we don't even know which way we're going..."
Feybreak Island
Dropped from an exceedingly difficult fight, this item will decrease the amount of damage a player takes from Water attacks by 20%.
Horns of Supremacy
Only mentioned once, this individual acted as Victor Ashford's assistant until their mysterious disappearance shortly after the successful creation of Shadowbeak.
In the first Palworld announcement trailer this is the pal that the tamer is shown running alongside in the opening sequence