What is the time complexity of binary search?
O(log n)
What data structure is first-in, last-out?
What is the fastest commonly used language for competitive programming?
What is the average case time complexity of bogo sort?
What is the name of the other club that goes by CPC?
Paly Capstone Programming Club
What is the best possible time complexity for a sorting algorithm?
O(n log n)
Hash Table
What language defines functions using def function(x):
What algorithm can be used to multiply 2 polynomials much quicker than O(n^2) where n is the degree of the polynomial?
Fast fourier transform
What contest platform do we use to host problems?
What algorithm finds the shortest path on a weighted graph with nonegative edges?
Djikstra's algorithm
Which data structures allows for adding elements while keeping them in a sorted order?
Binary Search Tree / C++ Set / Java Treemap
Which Belarusian competitive programmer is highest ranked in Codeforces?
When are our meetings?
Fridays lunch
What algorithm can be used to quickly query the lowest common ancestor of 2 nodes in a tree?
Binary Lifting
What data structure can be used to represent connected components in a graph?
Disjoint Set Union
What programming language is this?
What is the name of the farmer in USACO?
Farmer John
Which algorithm(s) can be used to traverse all the nodes in a graph in an ordered way? You only need to list 1 to get points.
What data structures allows for range add and range min queries in O(log n) time per query?
Lazy Segment Tree
What programming language is commonly used in FPGA design?
SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL
What are the highest and lowest codeforces problem ratings?
800, 3500