General Church Matters
Biblical People
Saints Among Us
Food for the Soul

Jesus falls this many times during the Stations of the Cross

What is 3?


God appeared to this person as a burning bush

Who is Moses?


This is the collective name for Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

What is Evangelists?


The Sacrament of Christian Initiation that strengthens the graces of Baptism and in which our new life in Christ is sealed by the gift of the Holy Spirit

What is Confirmation?


This food mentioned in Deuteronomy comes in creamed, raw and comb varieties

What is Honey?


This is the liturgical season during which Catholics prepare for the coming of Christ

What is Advent?


God sent this sign to Noah as a promise that he would never flood the earth again

What is a rainbow?


This Patron Saint of impossible causes has a large research hospital named after him

Who is Saint Jude?


The virtue that respects and honors our sexuality. Guides us to share our love with others in appropriate ways

What is Chastity?


Jesus fed 5000 men with five barley loaves and two of these

What are Fish?


This is what the partridge represents in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

Who is Jesus?


This elderly cousin of Mary became the mother of John the Baptist

Who is Elizabeth?


God promised him that "I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky, and I will give them all these lands, and in your descendants all the nation of the earth will find blessing." (Genesis 26:4), making him the Father of Many Nations

Who is Abraham?


The gift of God that is part of every person and that guides us to know and judge what is right and wrong

What is Conscience?


Ever since the dove returned to Noah's ark carrying a branch from this tree, it has become a symbol of peace to the world

What is Olive?


This is the name for the box where the consecrated Hosts are held

What is Tabernacle?


This man was sold into slavery by members of his family and later interpreted Pharaoh's dreams

Who is Joseph?


As the Patron Saint of the environment and animals, he is often depicted surrounded by a variety of creatures

Who is St. Francis (of Assisi)?


The sayings or teaching of Jesus that are found in the Sermon on the Mount. They describe both the qualities and actions of people blessed by God

What are Beatitudes?


This animal is a significant symbol in the Bible that appears throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is sacrificed as offerings for debts, as a form of worship, and to atone for sins. Its blood was put on the doorframes of Jewish houses to protect them from the final plague

What is a Lamb?


This Mark of the Church shows that there is a line of succession from St. Peter to Pope Francis

What is Apostolic?


She persuaded her husband King Ahasuerus (aka Xerxes I) to retract an order for the general annihilation of Jews throughout the empire

Who is Esther?


The Patron Saint of the Americas, she appeared to St. Juan Diego in Mexico and told him where to build a church in her name

Who is Our Lady of Guadalupe?


The deliverance of humanity from the power of sin and death by God through Jesus Christ, who dies for our sins in accordance with the scriptures

What is Salvation?


We use it to flavor food like pickles, but the scribes and Pharisees were using it to pay tithes while ignoring important matters like mercy and fidelity

What is Dill?


This is the meal celebrated in the Jewish faith to commemorate the Passover

What is Seder?


She was the only female judge of Israel

Who is Deborah?


She is the mother of Mary, Grandmother of Jesus, and the Patron Saint of housewives

Who is Saint Anne?


The announcement to the Virgin Mary by the angel Gabriel that God had chosen her to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit

What is Annunciation?


The most mentioned fruit in the Bible, they are a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. Their trees can grow to over 100 feet tall

What are Figs?


We make this statement of our beliefs just after the Homily in Mass

What is the Nicean Creed?


This priestly family organized a successful rebellion against the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV and reconstructed the defiled Temple of Jerusalem

Who are the Maccabees? 


This Doctor of the Church was known as the Hammer of Heretics and is the Patron Saint of lost items, priests and travelers

Who is Saint Anthony?


One of the 3 oils the Church uses in the celebration of the liturgy. It is used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders. It is also used in the consecration of churches and altars

What is Chrism?


Along with Manna, God provided this bird for the Israelites in the desert

What is Quail?
