Animal Kingdom
Skull and Crossbones
Pop Culture

If you've been bitten by a neighbor's Pit Bull, Cujo, the Emergency Room PA should prescribe this antibiotic.

What is Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid)?


Don't forget to take study breaks. Sitting on this bone all day may lead to some soreness.

What is the Coccyx?


An uncircumcised toddler presents to your clinic and his mother states that his cries intensify whenever she changes his diaper. Noticing that his foreskin is retracted, this diagnosis is at the top of your differential.

What is paraphimosis?


Although your documentation should not include "female, fat, forty, female, and fair", a patient with RUQ pain may have this problem.

What is cholecystitis (cholelithiasis)?


JFK's appearance suggested that he spent more time in the tanning bed than Trump spends golfing, but was actually due to this disease.

What is Addison's disease?


This tick-borne illness may present with headaches, fever, myalgia, and a rash commonly starting at the wrists and ankles.

What is Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?

While watching a rec league basketball game, you see a player go down grabbing his knee. You start worrying about this injury after performing a Lachman Test.

What is an ACL tear/injury?


During a newborn visit, you suspect this condition when you notice a continuous machine-like murmur. What was the pediatric dose for Indomethacin again?

What is Patent Ductus Arteriosus?


A patient on dialysis presents a day after missing his dialysis appointment. On CMP, you find a potassium of 6.4. You notice this EKG change that is concerning for impending cardiac arrhythmia.

What are peaked T waves? 


Nick Jonas was diagnosed with a Juvenile illness after he complained of weakness and excessive thirst. Now he requires this daily medication.

What is Insulin?


After drinking from a stream while camping one weekend, your patient contracted this parasitic infection.

What is Giardiasis? (Giardia Lamblia)


At your primary care clinic, you are concerned about this disease when a patient you are seeing presents with his fourth fracture during his young life. Are his eyeballs blue?

What is Osteogenesis Imperfecta?


In order to diagnose tetralogy of Fallot, four components are required including overriding aorta, VSD, RVH, and this cardiac abnormality.

What is pulmonary valve stenosis?



In the ER, you treat a patient complaining of altered mental status after working for a lawn service all day in the middle of the Arkansan summer. Along with your standard orders, this muscle enzyme should be added.

What is Creatine Kinase?


Although Weezy's rhymes may seem spastic at times, Lil Wayne actually suffers from this neurologic condition?

What is epilepsy? (seizure disorder)

If your patient urine hCG test is positive, she can walk the dog for the next nine months, but should avoid this other pet-related chore.

What is cleaning a litter box?


While reviewing a x-ray, you become concerned for Lis-Franc injury after seeing this abnormality. Time for CT scan

What is separation at the base of the 1st and 2nd metatarsals?


An infant presents to your clinic with constant crying, and her mother reports projectile vomiting. You also notice some yellowing of the skin, further increasing your concern for this diagnoses.

What is pyloric stenosis?


To diagnose the severity of rheumatic fever, a PA in an urgent care considers this collection of signs and symptoms.

What are the Jones Criteria?


Selena Gomez required a kidney transplant due to a debilitating case of this illness.

What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus?


After examining a patient with strange nodules on his fingers and hands, you've turned to Dr. Google in confusion. Thankfully, your nurse took a better social history. Your patient may have contracted this infection while cleaning the aquariums at a pet store.

What is Mycobacterium Marinum?

While examining a patient after a motor vehicle collision, you notice bruising behind the ears. Your first concern is this diagnosis.

What is a Basilar Skull Fracture?


In order to prevent diseases like pneumonia in a newborn with Sickle Cell disease, you might prescribe this medication.

What is penicillin?


A "cobblestone" appearance of the colon wall is noted on colonoscopy, concerning for this diagnoses.

What is Crohn's disease?


Venus Williams was diagnosed with this autoimmune disorder causing xeropthalmia, xerostomia, and parotid glad enlargement. 

What is Sjogren's syndrome?
