What part of the pancreas is intraperitoneal?
Name 3 cells that aren't alpha and beta cells contained within the pancreas that have endocrine function.
Delta, gamma(PP cells) and epsilon, PP cells
What do epsilon cells produce?
Cystic fibrosis
Where in the abdomen is the pancreas? (2) Use 9 regions.
Epigastrium and left hypochrondrium
What volume of the pancreas to islet cells make up?
What stimulates the release of enzymes from the pancreas?
What procedure can be done to look at the bile and pancreatic ducts?
What is the venous drainage of the head of the pancreas?
Directly into the superior mesenteric vein
How do the islet cells stain compared to the pancreatic acini when under the microscope?
They stain lighter
What cell does insulin inhibit?
Beta cells - glucagon release
What is the triad of symptoms of type I diabetes?
polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss
What is contained within the spleno-renal ligament?
Tail of pancreas, Splenic artery, Splenic Vein
How many cells are found in each islet of langerhans?
What is the channel which facilitated glucose absorption into beta cells?
What is the most common type of cancer of the pancreas?
Ductal adenocarcinoma.
Name two arteries with supply the pancreas which isn't the splenic artery
Superior and inferior pancreatoduodenal arteries
What is the type of epithelium found in larger ducts within the pancreas?
Stratified cuboidal epithelium
What is removed from pro-insulin to convert it into the functional form of insulin?
What type of condition is Schwachman-Diamond syndrome and how does it affect the pancreas?
Genetic condition which leads to pancreatic insufficiency