Xiao Qi Ji

In the video when Xiao Qi Ji (Panda) was just a baby we saw that he was snuggled up with his mother often. Why did he do this? What did he gather from his mother's body?

Because his body was too small to keep himself warm, his mother's body produced heat (energy) to keep him warm.


What are all the things that you would include in a model to describe how the caterpillar takes in matter for energy to grow. 

Cup, Lid, Airholes, Paper towel, Medium, Caterpillars


From the first video of Xiao Qi Ji to the second we noticed a large difference. What is the difference and how did it happen?

Xiao Qi Ji grew a drastic amount in 2 years. He was able to do this by eating food, drinking water, etc. doing these things gave Xiao Qi Ji's body the energy it needed to grow. 


What data in our notebook gives us evidence that the caterpillar is taking in the nutrients and getting bigger day after day?

The data from the building bodies sheet shows us this.


We are never born with the ability to move, what did Xiao Qi Ji need to do to make sure he has the energy to move around?

When Xiao Qi Ji eats his food the calories (energy) that he took in is burned and used as energy. 


Also with the data we gathered, we saw that the weight of the cup started to go down every couple of days. How is this possible when the caterpillars are getting bigger?

Since the medium is providing moisture and the caterpillars are eating/taking it in, it makes so that there is less medium in the cup over time. 


When we looked at the graph of Xiao Qi Ji's weight and food intake we noticed that as time went on Xiao Qi Ji started to eat more food. Why is this?

As Xiao Qi Ji's body continued to grow, he will need more food to provide enough energy to his larger body. 

Our data showed that the caterpillars grew a small amount every couple of days. What allowed this?

While the caterpillars took in the matter in the cup for energy it in turn made them grow larger. 


Since Xiao Qi Ji can not get his food from the sun like plants can, how does he get the nutrients that the plants have that he needs to grow?

Xiao Qi Ji will eat leaves, bamboo, or other plants to get the energy the plants take in from the sun.


The medium in the cup was not just food for the caterpillars, what else did it provide for them. Is it an example of matter or energy. 

The medium provided the caterpillars with moisture so they stayed hydrated. This is an example of matter but in turned gave the caterpillars energy. 
