Chicken fingers
Luis Baquiano
Mr. Trunzo

Results from trauma/stress directly imposed on the body as a result of athletic activity. Further categorized as direct, indirect, acute, and overuse micro trauma. 

What is primary injury 


This nerve injury has this cause and result 

Cause: a blunt trauma 

Result: concussion of the nerve causing transient physiological change 

What is neuropraxia 


A type of skin trauma where a cut is as clean as in a surgical cut 

What is an incision 

This classification by sensory change is a decreased sense of touch 

What is hypoesthesia 

A type of skin trauma where a wound's skin has been irregularly torn 

What are lacerations 

Refers to problems that may arise from previous, improperly cared injuries or can occur when athlete participates too soon from injury which doesn't allow adequate healing for injury. Examples can be sensory impairment or joint instability 
What is secondary injury 

This type of skin trauma defines the development of fluid within or below the epidermal layer as a result of excess friction whereby the dermal and epidermal layer separates 

What are blisters 


This classification by sensory change is increased sense of touch (pain) 

What is hyperesthesia 


This type of skin trauma is a compression (blunt force) trauma to the epidermal/dermal tissue 

What are contusions 


This classification by sensory change is numbness, prickling, tingling or burning 

What is parasthesia 


A type of skin trauma that occurs when the skin receives more energy than it can absorb without injury (i.e. heat, chemicals) 

What are burns 

A type of skin trauma is a wound where the skin's hypodermal layer has been separated from the muscle 

What is an avulsion/degloving 

A type of skin trauma that occurs when a wound's epidermal layer has been rubbed or scraped off 

What are abrasions


This nerve injury has this cause and result: 

Cause: injury resulting when the structure of a nerve is destroyed by actual division or by severe scarring

Result: Peripheral- sensory or motor degeneration and loss. Recovery of the nerve is possible in the peripheral system if sutured appropriately 

What is neurotmesis 


Pain signals transmitted along a nerve pathway whereby pain is felt in a region away from the actual source. An example can be chest and shoulder pain during a heart attack 

What is referred pain 


This nerve injury has a cause and result 

Cause: severe blunt trauma or stretch. The internal aspect of the nerve is intact; axon damage is evident 

Result: Peripheral- sensory or motor degeneration may occur. Recovery of the nerve is slow approx. 1mm/day

What is axonotmesis


This classification by sensory change is the total absence of sensation 

What is anaethesia 


Refers to injury to the muscle tendon unit 

What is a strain 


The result of a direct blow to a muscle or bone causing tissue damage and resulting in bleeding or bruising/discolouration 

What is a contusion 


Generally described as an uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or muscle group 

What is a cramp/muscle spasm 


This injury has the following attributes: 

- moderate muscle spasm, diffuse pain and swelling, increased pain of movement

-25-50% of muscles fibres are damaged 

What is a 2nd degree strain 


An inflammatory condition within a muscle or muscle group where calcification of tissue occurs. Occurs when a muscle injury such as a contusion is not properly cared for 

What is myositis ossificans 


This injury has the following attributes: 

- complete rupture of the muscle or tendon unit

- severe pain, swelling, disability, and muscle spasm 

-may be unable to move the associated joint 

What is a 3rd degree strain 


An inflammation of a tendon unit. It can sometimes be caused by sudden trauma but mostly overuse of the tendon 

What is tendonitis 


This injury has the following attributes: 

- mild, "pulled muscle", less than 25% of muscle fibres are affected, minimally torn or stretched 

- mild disability but able to move associated joint through near full range 

What is a 1st degree strain 
