Reactions/changes to a body after being sick
When did it start
When did Small Pox start and where
Africa and India over 3000 years ago
What symptoms were there
headache, sore throat, fever/high temperature
What are the symptoms
skin turned black, Swollen Lymph nodes, fever, stomachache, body pain
high fever, tiredness, headaches,
body aches vomiting, rashes
be ok to do something
fast outbreak of a disease affecting many people in many countries or continents
Why was it called Spanish Flu
It was firstly reported in Spain
How was it spread?
It was spread through bites of fleas or rats
How was it spread?
through infected drops of saliva (spit),
contact with the rash or items (like clothing or bedding)
ruin, destroy
isolating/separating infected people or people exposed to a disease
How was WWI involved in the Spanish Flu pandemic
living crowded
poor sanitation
travel around the world
Which one was more deadly overall between Spanish Flu and the Plague
Was there a vaccine for smallpox?
Who invented it
Yes, Dr. Edward Jenner
consequences of a bad event
a term/word to talk about prejudice, discrimination or hatred against Jews
Was WWI the only main reason causing Spanish Flu so bad? And Why (1 extra reason, get extra 100 points)
No modern medicine-antibiotics
Poor hygiene
Weakened immunity
living crowded in cities
Was there cure for Black death?
What caused Black Death?
a kind of Bacteria
How did Jenner invent the vaccine?
He put some pus from cowpox into a boy's arm and the boy was sick in the beginning but got better soon. When he was exposed to smallpox, he didn't get sick
a preventative medicine to stop you getting the disease.