St. Pantaenus was born in this region
St. Pantaenus eventually became the head of this institution
The School of Alexandria
St. Pantaenus translated the Holy Bible into this language
The Coptic language that St. Pantaenus helped develop is still used in the Church (T or F)
You should do this every day at home to understand scripture more
Read the Bible
St. Pantaenus's original religious background was of this faith
Hebrew Christian
_____ was one of St. Pantaenus's well-known students at the School of Alexandria
St. Clement
At the time of St. Pantaenus, the Egyptian language was written in this form
The church recognizes following church fathers, saints, and monks as a path towards this
The Kingdom of Heaven
St. Pantaenus's story encourages students to add ___ to their faith
Before leading the School of Alexandria, St. Pantaenus studied this in addition to Holy Scripture
Greek philosophy
St. Pantaenus's teaching methods at the School of Alexandria attracted these individuals to Christianity
St. Pantaenus adopted these letters for writing the Coptic language
Greek Letters
St. Pantaenus's life exemplifies this virtue, as he never boasted about his profound knowledge
Parents can emulate St. Pantaenus by helping their children learn more about
The Church
This apostle was said to have brought the Gospel of St. Matthew to India, where St. Pantaenus later found it
St. Bartholomew
Besides St. Clement, this other individual helped St. Pantaenus translate the Holy Bible
St. Pantaenus added this many Hieroglyphic letters to the Greek alphabet to create the Coptic language
St. Pantaenus traveled to this country to preach and dispel false religions
Studying church history equips individuals to resist
Wrong Teachings
St. Pantaenus was known by this endearing term
Our Pantaenus
St. Pantaenus's leadership helped make the School of Alexandria one of the best and most well-known schools during this period
Late 2nd Century
St. Pantaenus left interpretations of all the books of this
the Bible
St. Pantaenus was the first to use this symbol to represent Christianity
The Fish
The fish symbol was used to recognize churches and believers
Because they were persecuted by non-Christians and often were in secret