Be Responsible!
Be Respectful!
Be Safe!
Be An Ally!
Panther Trivia

Share how you can be responsible in a classroom.

What is:

-follow specific classroom rules

-be rested and on time to class

-bring classroom assignments and completed assignments

-use technology appropriately


Ways you can be respectful while using the restrooms at Miller Creek.

What is...

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Maintain privacy for others

  • One person per stall


Ways students can be safe in classrooms.

What is...

  • Respect other student’s personal space

  • Use classroom equipment appropriately


Share how you can be an ally while using the restrooms.

What is...

  • Be supportive of school safety and cleanliness

  • Report inappropriate behavior to a trusted adult


Our principal's name.

Mrs. Dinday


An example of how you can be responsible on the bus.

What is...

  • Follow the instructions of the bus driver

  • Get off at your bus stop only

  • Keep the bus clean


Give an example of how you can be respectful while eating during lunch.

What is...

  • Eat all food within the red lines

  • Politely wait in grade-level lines

  • put garbage away in the appropriate cans

Give an example of how students can be safe in the hallways before, during, and after school.

What is...

  • Walk at all times

  • Move efficiently to next class

  • Keep hands and feet to yourself 


Ways Panthers can be an ally in the pavillion/quad.

What is...

  • Be inclusive of others

  • Lead by example


Students have many options during lunch besides eating and playing on the blacktop/field.

What are...



Students can show responsibility in the library by doing this.

What is...

  • Return library books on time

  • Leave books in place  on shelves unless you are considering borrowing them

  • Care for borrowed materials while you have them

  • Tuck chairs in and return borrowed items to the correct places


Give an example of how to be respectful in the bike racks.

What is...

  • Be considerate of others’ property

  • Ask an adult for help if needed


Students can remain safe while playing in the blacktop and field.

What is...

  • Use school property appropriately

  • Keep hands and feet to yourself


How can you be an ally on the blacktop and field?

What is...

  • Be inclusive of others

  • Speak kindly to others 

  • Call out unsafe or unkind behaviors


Students, teachers, and staff wear this the last day before Winter Break.

What are...



All Panthers show responsibility during lunch by doing this.

What is...

  • Make healthy food choices

  • Clean up your area including food wrappers

  • Use trash bins and recycling


Students can show respect outside of classrooms and in the hallways by doing this.

What is...

  • Keep hallway areas clean

  • Choose a positive attitude

  • Use appropriate school language


Safe use of bikes coming and leaving school.

What is...

  • Wear a helmet 

  • Walk bikes, E-bikes, scooters, and skateboards onto campus

  • Be aware of car traffic.

How can you be an ally in the hallways between classes.

What is...

  • Walk at all times

  • Move efficiently to next class

  • Keep hands and feet to yourself 


This teacher shares the same name as our school.

Who is...

Ms. Miller!


How can students display responsibility when going to and coming from school and classes?

What is...

  • Arrive on time

  • Check-in with the front office if you arrive after 8:00 am

  • Wait for the teacher to dismiss the class before leaving


How Miller Creek students show respect in all classrooms.

What is...

  • Respect the physical space and classroom materials

  • Clean up after yourself 

  • Personal devices turned off and in backpack/locker

Panthers are safe while using the restrooms by doing this.

What is...

  • Return to class in a reasonable amount of time 

  • Use restroom for intended purpose


While in classrooms, allies do this.

What is...

  • Respect other student’s personal space

  • Use classroom equipment appropriately


This teacher is starting their 34th year teaching at Miller Creek!

Who is...

Mr. Zellers!
