What was dads 50th birthday cake?
A picture of the '56
How many times has mom moved homes in her life?
What brand of toothpaste does Sydney use?
What is Zach's favorite Halloween Movie?
The Adam's Family
Where was Emily and Ryan's first kiss?
The Condo!
What is Ryan's Favorite cocktail
Manhattan(extra cherries!)
Before he was a Washington Nationals fan, what baseball team did dad follow?
Atlanta Braves
What was the first country mom visited?
What is Sydney's Zodiac sign?
What is Zach's favorite fast food restaurant in Cincinnati?
What is Emily's Master's Degree in?
Clinical Research Administration
If Ryan were to watch a sport on TV by choice, what would it be?
How many first cousins does dad have?
How many Nieces and Nephews does mom have?
How did Sydney torment Uncle Pete?
Pulled his leg hair
What is the last place Zach went skiiing?
Winter Place Resort
What is Emily's favorite Harry Potter Movie?
The Goblet of Fire
What is Ryan's favorite food?
How many countries has dad been to? Bonus points if you name all of them!
Canada, Mexico, Jamaica, France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany
What have been the top 5 highest/proudest moments of mom's life?
Met/Married Dad
Emily/Sydney born
Sydney/Zach wedding
Emily/Ryan wedding
We raised good, king children who make the world better by being in it!
Which chore does Syd hate doing the most?
Where was Zach's first flight to?
Fort Myers, Florida
What's the name of Emily's back-up Poly(Stuffy)?
How many concussions has Ryan had?
3 (2 major, 1 minor)
How many cars has dad owned? Bonus points if you name all of them!
'56, Dodge Omni, Mitsubishi, S10, Sonoma, Colorado, Yukon, Canyon, Corvette x2
Name 1 of these three dates:(Bonus points for each additional)
1. What year was she born?
2. What year did she graduate high school?
3. What year did she graduate with a Bachelors Degree?
1. 1969
2. 1987
3. 2017
What role did Sydney play in the nativity?
What is the first country concert Zach went to?
Zac Brown Band
What was the name of Emily's first GAC softball team?
How old was Ryan when he first started hunting & got his first deer?