What are the dates for the Great Papal Schism?
Who was John Wycliffe?
An English theologian and a professor at Oxford.
To where did Wycliffe's teachings spread that John Huss heard them?
Bohemia (the Czech Republic)
What is Augustine's book Confessions about?
Confessions is his spiritual autobiography telling about his conversion.
What was the Council of Constance?
The council led by John XXI which settled the schism and led to the election of a new pope: Martin V
Where was the papal palace built after having French popes for many years?
Avignon, France
What does Sola Scriptura mean?
Scripture alone is the only authority.
What was John Huss' occupation?
He was a professor in Prague.
Describe the Barbarians.
The Barbarians were fair haired, fair skinned warriors who plundered every land they conquered.
How did the Council of Constance change the role of Pope?
It established the pope as a constitutional ruler with delegated authority, rather than an absolute monarch.
What success is Gregory the XI have?
He succeeded in bringing the papacy back to Rome.
What did Wycliffe believe about the church and its leaders?
That they were in need of radical reform and should return to the poverty and simplicity of the apostolic times.
Why did Huss appeal to the Council of Constance in 1414?
He appealed to the Council to protest his excommunication.
Why did St. Jerome find in necessary to translate the Bible into Latin?
Describe Urban the VI.
He was violent, abusive, and power hungry.
Who were the Lollards?
Wycliffe's followers
How did John Huss die?
He was burned at the stake for refusing to retract( take back) his criticisms of the church.
Who is St. Benedict?
An Italian Monk who wrote the rule of St. Benedict to introduce the rule for monastic living.
How did the Latin Church end up with two leaders instead of one?
The two papal claimants fought each other, and one stayed in Rome and one went to Avignon.
What translation of the Bible did Wycliffe produce?
Wycliffe wrote an English translation of the Bible.
What church did the followers of John Huss form?
The Moravian Church
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