Deception in a study violates which ethical consideration?
Informed Consent
How does one minimize the effects of extraneous variables?
Random Assignment
I want to understand how intelligence changes with life experience, What type of study am I?
The most often occuring #
What my twin does for a living
In Bandura (Aggression) what major ethical consideration was violated?
Protection from Harm
Physical along with psychological distress
Having lower ecological validity may be a direct result of having higher what?
Control over variables
Hassett utilized cameras to film monkey behavior and later reviewed the video - What type of observation was this?
The distance of scores from the mean (average)
Standard Deviation
Where my twin sister lives
Los Angeles, California
In Milgram's study why did he say he did not violate any ethical considerations based on his use of deception?
He provided full debriefing immediately following each participants trial.
"Sunshine will affect plant growth"
What is the dependant variable?
Plant growth
Highest level of control with lowest mundane realism for participants - Example Dement (sleep and dreams)
Lab experiment
This is an example of what?
An operational definition
When is the last day to turn in work for seniors
May 14th
When using animals or humans what is a first choice to avoid ethical violations?
Use video simulation instead
"Hannigan is more awesome in the morning than in the afternoon"
What is the independent variable?
Time of Day
Open ended questions
Likert Scales
These are all examples of
The more shark attacks occur the more ice cream is sold
This is a what?
Positive Correlation
What is the last holiday of the school year
Memorial Day
What is something an experimenter can do to assure honest answers in their research?
provide Anonymity - keep participant information anonymous
Demand characteristics happen because
participants understand the aim of the study and are trying to perform to the liking of the experimenter
The most detailed, in depth, non generalizable findings come from what
Case Studies
What are the 4 questions you need to answer in the major question on paper 2
How, What, Where, Who