Poetic Techniques
Dramatic Techniques
All My Sons
A Doll's House
Maya Angelou

What is alliteration?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of words.


What is the role of dialogue in developing character relationships in a play?

Dialogue is crucial in revealing characters’ personalities, motivations, and relationships. Through what characters say and how they interact, the audience learns about their conflicts, desires, and emotional states.


How does Chris Keller’s idealism contrast with the actions of his father, Joe Keller, in All My Sons?

Chris is an idealist who believes in honesty, integrity, and responsibility, especially regarding the lives of soldiers. His father, Joe, is pragmatic and justifies his actions (selling faulty airplane parts) to protect his family and business. This contrast highlights the moral conflict at the heart of the play and Chris’s eventual disillusionment.


How does Nora’s friend, Mrs. Linde, serve as a contrast to Nora in A Doll's House?

Mrs. Linde is a practical, independent woman who has experienced hardship and is not protected by the illusions of a perfect marriage. Unlike Nora, who lives in a sheltered world, Mrs. Linde's experiences help to highlight Nora's naivety and the different paths women can take.


What is the central theme of Maya Angelou’s poem Still I Rise?

The central theme of Still I Rise is resilience and empowerment. Angelou declares her ability to rise above oppression, prejudice, and hardship, celebrating her strength and defiance in the face of adversity, particularly as a Black woman in a racist society.


What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is a comparison between two things without using “like” or “as.”


What is conflict in drama, and how does it drive the plot of a play?

Conflict is the central struggle or problem in a play. It can be internal (within a character) or external (between characters or against society). It drives the plot by creating tension that propels the action and leads to the climax and resolution.


What role does Ann Deever play in All My Sons, and how does she reflect the theme of betrayal?

Ann is a pivotal character whose return sparks the revelation of family secrets. She represents the theme of betrayal, as she must confront the lies of her father (Steve Deever) and the Kellers. Her role highlights the moral complexities of loyalty, love, and forgiveness, especially when she uncovers the truth about Joe’s actions.


How does the character of Krogstad function as both an antagonist and a catalyst for the plot in A Doll's House?

Krogstad is initially seen as a villain due to his blackmailing of Nora, but his backstory and struggles reveal him as a more sympathetic character. He serves as a catalyst for Nora's eventual self-realization, pushing her to confront her secrets and reconsider her marriage to Torvald.


In Caged Bird, what does the "caged bird" symbolize?

The "caged bird" symbolizes the speaker’s sense of oppression, specifically representing the restrictions placed on Black people and other marginalized groups in society. The bird’s longing to be free reflects the desire for liberation and justice.


What is enjambment?

Enjambment occurs when a line of poetry runs over into the next line without a pause or break


What is psychological realism in drama, and how does it impact character development?

Psychological realism focuses on portraying the complex internal lives of characters. It allows characters to have deep, multifaceted personalities, motivations, and emotional struggles, which make them more relatable and believable to the audience.


How does the character of Larry Keller affect the events of the play, even though he never appears on stage?

Larry’s death looms over the entire play, influencing the actions and decisions of his family. His suicide symbolizes the ultimate consequence of Joe Keller’s actions, as Larry felt unable to live with the knowledge of his father’s moral failings. His presence, though unseen, drives much of the family’s grief and tension.


What role does money play as a theme in A Doll’s House, and how does it affect the characters?

Money in A Doll’s House is a central theme, particularly in terms of power dynamics and personal freedom. Nora’s secret loan and her forgery highlight the economic dependence of women on men, while Torvald’s obsession with money reveals his superficial values. Mrs. Linde’s financial independence contrasts with Nora’s dependence on her husband.


How does Harlem Hopscotch reflect the experiences of Black youth in Harlem?

Harlem Hopscotch reflects the resilience, playfulness, and complexity of Black youth growing up in Harlem. The poem uses the metaphor of the hopscotch game to symbolize the challenges and obstacles they face while also emphasizing the strength and determination to overcome them.


What is irony? 

Irony in poetry occurs when there is a discrepancy between expectation and reality.


What is the significance of natural dialogue in realistic drama, and how does it differ from stylized language?

Natural dialogue in realistic drama mimics everyday speech, making characters' conversations sound more authentic. It differs from stylized language in that it avoids poetic or formalized speech, allowing for the exploration of human relationships and conflict in a relatable way.


How does Miller use the theme of the American Dream in All My Sons?

All My Sons critiques the American Dream by showing how Joe Keller’s pursuit of financial success leads him to compromise his morals. The play exposes the darker side of the American Dream, where individual success can come at the cost of ethics, family, and lives.


How does Torvald’s treatment of Nora reflect societal expectations of marriage in the 19th century?

Torvald treats Nora as a child or a possession, calling her pet names and expecting her to fulfill the role of the perfect, obedient wife. This reflects the societal norms of the time, where women were expected to be submissive to their husbands and were often infantilized and controlled.


How does Angelou use repetition in Still I Rise to emphasize the poem’s message?

Angelou uses repetition in the phrase "I rise" to emphasize the speaker’s unwavering strength and resilience. This repeated line reinforces the poem’s defiant tone and the speaker’s commitment to overcoming oppression, no matter the challenges faced.


What is personification, and how does it enhance the emotional impact of a poem?

1) Personification is a literary device in which non-human things are given human characteristics. 

2) It allows abstract ideas or inanimate objects to evoke emotions and become relatable to the reader, adding depth to the poem’s themes.


What role does subtext play in realistic drama, and why is it important for understanding characters' motivations?

Subtext refers to the unspoken or underlying thoughts and emotions behind the dialogue. In realistic drama, subtext is crucial because it reveals the characters' true feelings, desires, and conflicts, which may not be directly expressed in the dialogue but are essential for understanding their motivations and relationships.


How does the relationship between Jim and Sue Bayliss reflect the theme of compromise in All My Sons?

Jim and Sue Bayliss’s relationship exemplifies the theme of compromise, particularly in terms of their differing values and perspectives. While Jim is morally conflicted about the actions of Joe Keller and the war effort, Sue urges him to focus on his medical practice and family, suggesting that he compromise his moral concerns for the sake of stability and financial success. Their relationship highlights the tension between personal integrity and the need to conform to societal pressures.


How does the theme of identity manifest in Nora’s decision to leave at the end of the play?

Nora’s decision to leave represents her search for identity outside of her roles as wife and mother. She recognizes that she has been living a life based on illusions and societal expectations, and in order to find her true self, she must leave behind the constraints of her marriage and family.


What does the Black Family Pledge represent in Angelou’s poetry?

The Black Family Pledge represents a commitment to unity, love, and mutual support within the Black community. It emphasizes the importance of family bonds and collective strength in the face of adversity, offering hope and empowerment in a world of systemic racism.
