Who is the protagonist's younger brother (2nd oldest)?
Who is Keith Olamina?
Why do people rarely try to put out house fires with water?
What is because water scarcity makes water expensive?
What is "Change"?
What was the moral dilemma that asked if you would take one life to save five?
What was the Trolley Problem?
What is the name of the protagonist's BFF before she told on her?
Who was Joanne Garfield?
What is the name of the syndrome caused by use of the "genius" drug Paracetco?
What is Hyper-empathy Syndrome?
What is the core concept of Earthseed regarding God?
"God is change"
What did you decide with the Surgeon dilemma?
What is whether to save the patient or use their organs for donor transplant?
What is the protagonist's step-mother's whole name?
Who is Corazon Olamina?
Why are people walking North to Oregon and Canada from all over California (some from as far as San Diego) ?
What is to find paying jobs?
The Destiny of Earthseed is to what?
What is to "take root among the stars"?
What age do you have to be before the protagonist's father will allow you to go outside the walls with the group for target practice?
What is fifteen?
What is the name of the three year old who was killed days after accidentally starting a fire in her family garage?
Who is Amy Dunn?
The drug "Pyro" causes people to set fires to people and things just to watch it burn. The people who are on this drug are called what?
Who are the "Paints" or "Crazies"?
What is the whole name of the "religion" Lauren created?
What is Earthseed: The Books of the Living?
What is the first most important consideration in a survival scenario?
What is shelter? or What is Fire? (protection from elements)
What is the name of the family who bred rabbits in the community?
Who are the Moss family?
What is the name of the company that took over the town of Olivar?
What is KSF (Kagimoto, Stamm, Frampton & Company)?
Finish the Earthseed quote, "Civilization is to groups what ________ is to individuals."
What is intelligence?
Place these three things in order of importance in a survival scenario: food, weapons, water.
What is water, food, weapons?