How many servants were there in this parable of the talents?
Who does the king represent in this parable?
In essence, who did Jesus identify as being our neighbors?
Everyone (not excluding anyone)
What does a sower do?
Plant seeds
Who does the father represent in this parable
What did the man who received only one talent do with his talent?
He buried it
What did Jesus say would happen if we don't forgive others?
God will not forgive us
Name one of the two people (by their occupation) who passed by the man who had been attacked.
Priest and Levite (temple assistant)
How many types of soil did Jesus refer to in this parable?
How many sons are present in this story
The servant who received 5 talents from his master.... How many more talents did he earn?
What did Jesus mean when he said the amount of time you must forgive is seventy times seven?
Do not put a limit on forgiveness.
A Jew
Name at least 2 types of soil in this parable.
1. Hard soil
2. Rocky soil
3. Thorny soil
4. Good / Fertile soil
Why was the elder son angry with his brother and his father in this parable
Because he felt that his obedience should be rewarded and that the younger brother should not be forgiven for wasting his inheritance
Finish this verse (in similar words): "To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be _____ _____."
taken away
Who asked Jesus this question: "Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me?”
What are the two great commandments referred to in this parable? "Love the Lord....."
Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.
What does the soil in this parable represent?
The condition of your heart
Who did the older brother represent in this parable?
The Pharasees
What is the main message of the parable of the talents?
Work hard to increase the skills and resources God has entrusted you with.
Finish this verse: "Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a _______ to the devil."
Name at least two things the Samaritan did after he stopped to help the man who had been attacked.
Soothed/bandaged his wounds.
Carried him on his donkey.
Paid for him to recover at a hotel.
Paid for his medical bills.
Finish the sentence: According to this parable, at any given time, God may call you to be a planter, a waterer, or _______.
This is the definition to what word used in this chapter: "spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant."