Topic sentence
Supporting sentences
Concluding sentence
Intensifiers & Transition signals
Pop Culture

What is the main purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?
A) To give details about a story
B) To introduce the main idea of the paragraph
C) To conclude the paragraph
D) To ask a question

B. To introduce the main idea of the paragraph.


Which of the following is the main purpose of a supporting sentence?
A) To introduce the main idea.
B) To provide evidence or details that explain the topic sentence.
C) To ask questions.
D) To summarize the entire paragraph.

B) To provide evidence or details that explain the topic sentence.


What is the main purpose of a concluding sentence in a paragraph?
A) To introduce a new idea.
B) To summarize the main points and restate the topic.
C) To provide detailed evidence.
D) To ask a question.

B) To summarize the main points and restate the topic.


Which of the following is an example of an intensifier?
A) Nevertheless
B) Very
C) But
D) Although

B) Very


This American singer is known for hits like "Bad Guy" and "Therefore I Am."

Billie Eilish


Where is the topic sentence usually found in a paragraph?
A) At the end of the paragraph
B) In the middle of the paragraph
C) At the beginning of the paragraph
D) It varies depending on the type of writing

C) At the beginning of the paragraph.


Which of these is an example of a supporting sentence?
A) Dogs are great companions.
B) Dogs can improve people's mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.
C) The main reason dogs are popular pets is their loyalty.
D) There are many types of dogs.

B) Dogs can improve people's mental health by reducing stress and anxiety.


Where is the concluding sentence typically found in a paragraph?
A) At the beginning.
B) In the middle.
C) At the end.
D) It varies.

C) At the end.


Which of these words is commonly used as a transition signal to show contrast?
A) Therefore
B) However
C) Additionally
D) Because

B) However


This popular video game features a battle royale mode where players fight to be the last one standing.



Choose the best topic sentence for a paragraph about the importance of healthy eating.
A) Many people eat fruits and vegetables.
B) A healthy diet includes a variety of nutritious foods.
C) You should avoid too much sugar.
D) Food can be very tasty.

B) A healthy diet includes a variety of nutritious foods.


hich of the following sentences would make the BEST supporting sentence for the topic sentence: "Exercise has numerous health benefits"?
A) Many people exercise regularly.
B) Exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
C) Some people don't like exercising.
D) I exercise every morning for 30 minutes.

B) Exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.


Which of the following should a strong concluding sentence do?
A) Introduce a new argument to be discussed.
B) Connect the paragraph’s ideas to the overall thesis.
C) Ask a rhetorical question.
D) Give detailed evidence that hasn’t been covered yet.

B) Connect the paragraph’s ideas to the overall thesis.


Which transition signal best indicates a result or consequence?
A) In conclusion
B) On the other hand
C) As a result
D) Although

C) As a result


This popular Japanese manga series features a young ninja named Naruto Uzumaki.



How can a weak topic sentence negatively affect a paragraph?
A) It can confuse readers about the paragraph's purpose.
B) It can make the writing too formal.
C) It forces the writer to include too many details.
D) It causes grammatical errors.

A) It can confuse readers about the paragraph's purpose.


A strong paragraph should include supporting sentences that do what?
A) Introduce new ideas.
B) Focus on unrelated details.
C) Reinforce the topic sentence and main idea.
D) Create confusion for the reader.

C) Reinforce the topic sentence and main idea.


How can a weak concluding sentence negatively affect a paragraph?
A) By leaving the reader with a sense of closure.
B) By introducing new and unrelated ideas.
C) By reinforcing the main idea of the paragraph.
D) By summarizing the paragraph’s key points.

B) By introducing new and unrelated ideas.


Which of the following transition signals is most appropriate to add an example to the previous statement?
A) In addition
B) For example
C) Nevertheless
D) Furthermore

B) For example


This fantasy series, based on novels by J.K. Rowling, features a young wizard attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Harry Potter


Which of the following sentences would be the best revision of this weak topic sentence: "Sports are fun"?
A) Sports are exciting to play.
B) Participating in team sports can improve physical fitness and social skills.
C) Many people like to play sports in their free time.
D) Sports are a great way to pass the time with friends.

B) Participating in team sports can improve physical fitness and social skills.


Which of the following supporting sentences uses comparison or contrast to explain the main idea?
A) The city park is larger than the neighborhood playground, making it a better option for large gatherings.
B) Many people enjoy going to the city park.
C) I went to the park yesterday and saw lots of people playing sports.
D) City parks are nice, but sometimes they can be too crowded.

A) The city park is larger than the neighborhood playground, making it a better option for large gatherings.


What type of concluding sentence helps to reinforce the paragraph’s main idea while also creating a sense of closure?
A) Summary and wrap-up sentence
B) Supporting sentence
C) Introductory sentence
D) Question sentence

A) Summary and wrap-up sentence


 In formal academic writing, which of these intensifiers is considered inappropriate due to its informality?
A) Absolutely
B) Very
C) Totally
D) Completely

C) Totally


This popular social media platform, originally known for its 15-second video format, is now known for its viral dance challenges and memes.

Tik Tok
