Who handles smaller ADS orders w/employees 10-99?
Pam Boyden
Our partner in offering First Aid Solutions, eye wash stations, AEDs, etc.
What is Western First Aid
Standard uniforms are made out of what two fabric materials
What is 65% polyester, 35% cotton
Standard commission % for RSRs
What is 10%
Where is Nick originally from?
What is St. Louis?
DSE who handles large account orders
Lois St. Bernard
5 items in our first aid cabinets
What is: Adhesive bandages, adhesive tape, Antibiotic Application, Antiseptic, Breathing barrier, Burn dressing, Burn treatment, Cold pack, Eye covering, Eye/skin wash, First aid guide, Hand sanitizer, Medical gloves, Roller bandage, Scissors, Sterile pad, Trauma pad, Triangular Bandage, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Tweezers, Non-aspirin, Knuckle bandages, Moleskin, CPR mask,
Our partner for durable workforce garments
What is Dickies
Name all 4 TMs
Daniel, Deandre, Weston, Mohammed
Who approves pricing below red rates?
Ron Rogers
OSHA meaning
What is Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Premium, performance material designed to meet the needs of today's workforce
What is FlexFit
S.T.O.P acronym
What is Say Hello, Take Care of Business, Offer products, Present Invoice
Name 5 types of our towels
What is bar towel, shop towel, hand/massage towel, bath towel, glass towel, microfiber towel, CRT towel, soda towel, dental towel, washcloth, grill pads
Weekly goals for FTVs and Proposals/Presentations
What is 12 FTVs and 6 proposals/presentations
OSHA fines per violation
What is up to $14k
HACCP Acronym
What is Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points
What timeframe is a TM expected to respond to a service request?
Item Code for a short sleeve work shirt
Who is our MCM?
Joanna Delgadillo
ANSI meaing
What is American National Standards Institute
Name three materials used in our FR garments
What is nomex, kevlar, cotton, nylon, denim, antistatic fiber, modacrylic, lyocell, aramid, twill
What does inventory maintenance covered and how is it calculated?
What is: covers loss and ruin of allied products.
Inventory x inv maint % x replacement rate
Service Guarantee
Customer must notify company of service deficiencies and company has 30 days to fix or begin to fix service deficiencies.