Horror Films
Conspiracy Theories
Urban Legends and Folklore
Legendary Creatures
"Horror"-ble History

This eerie film is credited with coining the notorious phrase, “Do you like horror movies?” 

What is "Scream"?


Those streams of vapor behind airplanes, known as contrails, are sometimes referred to as this word by conspiracy theorists.

What are chemtrails?


This ghost is said to appear in a mirror if their name is chanted repeatedly.

Who is Bloody Mary?


This creature is rumored to live in the water of the Scottish Islands.

What is the Lochness Monster?


In the late 1690s over 200 hundred women were accused of using magic in these famous trials.

What was the Salem Witch Trials?


In this horror film the phrase “the power of Christ compels you.” appears 

What is The Exorcist?


Fans of a boy band very popular in the 2010s often declare that these two members of the band are secretly in love with each other and hide their status as a couple.

Who are Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?

Gum supposedly stays in your stomach for this many years.

How long is 7 years?
This underwater creature uses hypnosis to lure sailors to rocky shores and an early death.

What is a Siren?


In this book by Mary Shelley, this scientist creates an undead monster who gains sentience and attacks him for abandoning him.

Who is Victor Frankenstein?


This horror film franchise is the longest-running.

What is "Friday the 13th"?


The Flat Earth theory says that the world is a round disk, this theory was disproved by Greek philosophers travelling to this country around 250~ B.C. 

1. Egypt, 2. Mesopotamia, 3. Parthia, 4. Libya


According to urban legend, this candy is supposedly fatal when mixed with soda.

What are Pop Rocks?


This creature is said to scream and/or cry as an omen of death.

What is a Banshee?


This Queen was the inspiration behind the Bloody Mary myth because of her "bloody" reign in which she killed thousands of protestants for refusing to renounce their faith. 

Who was Mary Tudor?


This kind of animal masks are worn by followers of Jigsaw in the Saw movie series.

What are pig masks?


Some people believe that the area beneath Denver International Airport is home to the headquarters of this organization.

What is the New World Order?


 In this country the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman originated.

Where is Japan?


Selkies are beings in scottish mythology that can shed their human skin to become this animal.

What are seals?


In this settlement’s difficult founding year its mayor left for England, returing three years later to find the settlement empty, the word CROATOAN and the letters CRO, carved into trees within the colony’s borders.

What was the colony of Roanoke?


This song plays while Patrick Bateman axe murders his co-worker.

What is Hip To Be Square by Huey Lewis and the News?


Ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin declared that these deities from Sumerian mythology were actually a race of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth around 500,000 years ago in order to mine gold.

Who were the Anunnaki?


This animal supposedly lives in the sewers of New York City.

1. Alligators 2. Pythons 3. Sharks 4. Piranhas 


This creature detaches its torso from it's upper body using black magic to fly around and hunt for prey at night.

What is a Manananggal?


This Hungarian noblewoman is said to have bathed in virgin's blood to keep her skin young.

Who was Elizabeth Bathory?
